Gemini Observatory Archive
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(no punctuation; separate with spaces) Matches all words. Write !word to reject results that contain it
(no punctuation; separate with spaces) Text search the program Title. Matches all words. Write !word to reject results that contain it
(bibliography code of related publication) Search for data related to a publication by it's bibliography code.
(Name of Target) Enter a target name here. If you don't Resolve the target name into a co-ordinate search, this will do a search on the target name as specified in the phase-II. Be aware that observers sometimes use a different target name to what you expect - this is only really useful if you set up the Phase-II, or otherwise know exactly what target name was used. If you set a Name Resolver and click resolve, we will fetch co-ordinates of your target from the resolver specified and then the search will disregard the target name and search only by co-ordinates. Note that the name resolvers will not work solar system bodies.

Searches on the target name are not case sensitive, and you can use the * character as a wildcard - for example mrk* will find e.g. Mrk42, and *io* will find e.g. Io, Io.eph, Orion, etc.

(Name Resolver) Choose a Name Resolver and click the resolve button to attempt to find the co-ordinates of your named source. If the form has both a target name and co-ordinates, the search will disregard the target name. Note: The name resolvers will only work for objects outside the solar system, there's no capability for meaningful use with moving objects, for example planets.
( or decimal degrees) Right Ascension. You can use HH:MM:SS[.ss...] or decimal degrees. In either case you can specify a single value or a range, eg 11:22:33 - 12:34:56. If you enter a single value, also see the Search Radius field.
([+-] or decimal degrees) Declination. You can use [+|-]DD:MM:SS[.ss...] or decimal degrees. In either case you can specify a single value or a range, eg 11:22:33 - 12:34:56 or -65:43:21 - -12:34:56. If you enter a single value, also see the Search Radius field.
(arcsecs or decimal degrees) Search radius in arcseconds, unless you specify "d" or "degs" to make it decimal degrees. i.e. 180 means 180 arcseconds, 10degs or 10d means 10 degrees.
If RA and/or dec has been given as a single value (as opposed to a range), this specifies the size of the box around it to search. This is actually a simple search in a square box (in the tangent plane), not a true cone search. Strange things may happen near the poles.

(click to show / hide) Click where it says "Advanced Options" to show or hide the advanced options. (click to show / hide) Click where it says "Column Selection" to show or hide the panel that lets you choose the columns to be shown in the results. You need to click on 'Search' to apply the changes
(or Obs. ID / Data Label. Exact Match) You can put a program ID, Observation ID or Data Label into this box. The search will be for an exact match to what you put in, substring type matches are not provided. Example: GN-2001A-Q-1
(YYYYMMDD or start - end) You can specify 1) an individual date in the form YYYYMMDD, 2) a date range in the form yyyymmdd-YYYYMMDD, or 3) a date-time range in the form yyyymmddThhmmss[.s...]-YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS[.S...]. Examples: 20101231 or 20100101 - 20100131 or 20101122T012345-20101231T231234. You can also specify whether to search strictly on UTC date (note tha Gemini South observing nights span two UTC dates) or on Observing Night, which will use the traditional Gemini scheme of labelling observing nights by the UTC date at the start of the night with a 1400 (+- daylight savings in Chile) local time date rollover.
(Select GMOS for GMOS-N and GMOS-S) Select the instrument you are looking for data from.
(help) Select an Observation Class here, or set it to Any to not search by Observation Class.
(help) Select an Observation Type here, or set it to Any to not search by Observation Type.
(Imaging / Spectroscopy etc) Select Imaging or various Spectroscopy modes here. Spectroscopy implies all spectroscopic modes. Note that not all instruments support all these modes, such searches will return no results.
(help) Select data did or did not use Adaptive Optics, or that used specifically LGS or NGS AO.
(Processing status of data) Reduced data in the archive can have different reduction status. Select here if you would like to search for a particular type or reduced data, or for raw data only.

Click this box to close it. Click [P] links to switch image.

Click this box to close it. Click Here to open in a new tab

Science Quality

Key: [P]: Preview an image of the data in your browser. [H]: Provenance and History. [D]: Download that one file. [A]: Program Abstract and PI / Co-I details. [L]: observing Log entries. Use the check-boxes to select a subset of the results to download, or if available a download all link is at the end of the table. Click the filename to see the full header in a new tab. Click anything else to add that to your search criteria. You can also save these results as JSON.

Download Filename Data Label UT Date Time Inst Class Type Object WaveBand Binning ExpT QA
GN2015AQ015-01.fits GN2015AQ015-01 2015-03-13 00:00:00 GMOS-N None MASK pseudogmos-n Pass
N20150327S0404.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-25-001 2015-03-27 21:29:06 GMOS-N dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ r 1x1 2.00 Undefined
N20150327S0405.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-25-002 2015-03-27 21:29:47 GMOS-N dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ r 1x1 2.00 Undefined
N20150327S0406.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-29-001 2015-03-27 21:32:04 GMOS-N dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.450 4x4 1.00 Undefined
N20150327S0407.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-29-002 2015-03-27 21:32:41 GMOS-N dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.440 4x4 2.00 Undefined
N20150327S0408.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-25-003 2015-03-27 23:22:41 GMOS-N dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ r 1x1 2.00 Undefined
N20150512S0134.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-7-003 2015-05-12 10:20:29 GMOS-N acqCal OBJECT HZ44 g 1x1 2.00 Usable
N20150512S0135.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-7-004 2015-05-12 10:20:47 GMOS-N acqCal OBJECT HZ44 g 1x1 2.00 Usable
N20150512S0136.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-8-001 2015-05-12 10:24:20 GMOS-N partnerCal OBJECT HZ44 B1200 : 0.410 4x4 120.00 Usable
N20150512S0137.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-8-002 2015-05-12 10:26:47 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.410 4x4 2.00 Usable
N20150512S0138.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-8-003 2015-05-12 10:27:19 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.445 4x4 2.00 Usable
N20150512S0139.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-8-004 2015-05-12 10:27:48 GMOS-N partnerCal OBJECT HZ44 B1200 : 0.445 4x4 120.00 Usable
N20150512S0140.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-8-005 2015-05-12 10:30:18 GMOS-N partnerCal OBJECT HZ44 B1200 : 0.480 4x4 120.00 Usable
N20150512S0141.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-8-006 2015-05-12 10:32:45 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.480 4x4 1.00 Usable
N20150512S0278.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-9-001 2015-05-12 18:56:51 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.410 4x4 10.00 Usable
N20150512S0279.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-9-002 2015-05-12 18:57:31 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.445 4x4 10.00 Usable
N20150512S0280.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-9-003 2015-05-12 18:58:11 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.480 4x4 10.00 Usable
N20150519S0073.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-33-001 2015-05-19 01:36:00 GMOS-N dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ r 1x1 2.00 Undefined
N20150519S0074.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-33-002 2015-05-19 01:36:38 GMOS-N dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ r 1x1 2.00 Undefined
N20150519S0075.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-33-003 2015-05-19 01:36:56 GMOS-N dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ r 1x1 2.00 Undefined
N20150521S0132.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-28-001 2015-05-21 10:16:28 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 2x2 15.00 Usable
N20150521S0133.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-28-002 2015-05-21 10:19:54 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 2x2 15.00 Usable
N20150521S0134.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-28-003 2015-05-21 10:27:07 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Usable
N20150521S0135.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-28-004 2015-05-21 10:29:44 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Usable
N20150523S0172.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-35-001 2015-05-23 08:36:00 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 2x2 15.00 Pass
N20150523S0173.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-35-002 2015-05-23 08:38:58 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 2x2 15.00 Pass
N20150523S0174.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-35-003 2015-05-23 08:41:24 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150523S0175.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-35-004 2015-05-23 08:43:22 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150523S0176.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-001 2015-05-23 08:47:07 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.450 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150523S0177.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-002 2015-05-23 09:22:26 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.450 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150523S0178.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-003 2015-05-23 09:23:04 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.440 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150523S0179.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-004 2015-05-23 09:23:40 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.440 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150523S0180.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-005 2015-05-23 09:58:55 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.450 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150523S0181.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-006 2015-05-23 10:34:13 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.450 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150523S0182.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-007 2015-05-23 10:34:51 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.440 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150523S0183.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-008 2015-05-23 10:35:27 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.440 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150523S0184.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-009 2015-05-23 11:10:48 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.450 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150523S0185.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-010 2015-05-23 11:46:07 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.450 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150523S0186.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-011 2015-05-23 11:46:45 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.440 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150523S0187.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-012 2015-05-23 11:47:21 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.440 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150523S0298.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-24-001 2015-05-23 15:34:34 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.450 4x4 10.00 Pass
N20150523S0299.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-24-002 2015-05-23 15:35:20 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.440 4x4 10.00 Pass
N20150524S0075.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-36-001 2015-05-24 08:15:42 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 2x2 15.00 Pass
N20150524S0076.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-36-003 2015-05-24 08:19:34 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150524S0077.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-36-004 2015-05-24 08:22:38 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150524S0078.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-013 2015-05-24 08:26:43 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.450 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150524S0079.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-014 2015-05-24 09:01:55 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.450 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150524S0080.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-015 2015-05-24 09:02:34 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.440 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150524S0081.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-016 2015-05-24 09:03:09 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.440 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150524S0082.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-017 2015-05-24 09:38:24 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.450 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150524S0083.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-018 2015-05-24 10:13:36 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.450 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150524S0089.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-38-001 2015-05-24 11:08:30 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 2x2 15.00 Pass
N20150524S0090.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-38-002 2015-05-24 11:11:53 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150524S0091.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-38-003 2015-05-24 11:14:16 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150524S0092.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-019 2015-05-24 11:17:34 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.440 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150524S0093.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-020 2015-05-24 11:18:09 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.440 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150524S0094.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-021 2015-05-24 11:53:24 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.450 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150524S0095.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-022 2015-05-24 12:28:36 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.450 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150524S0096.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-023 2015-05-24 12:29:14 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.440 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150524S0097.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-024 2015-05-24 12:29:50 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.440 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150524S0139.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-37-001 2015-05-24 15:53:56 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.450 4x4 10.00 Pass
N20150524S0140.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-37-002 2015-05-24 15:54:42 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.440 4x4 10.00 Pass
N20150530S0477.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-39-001 2015-05-30 13:32:01 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150530S0478.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-025 2015-05-30 13:36:54 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.450 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150530S0479.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-026 2015-05-30 13:41:35 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.450 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150530S0500.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-30-001 2015-05-30 14:54:28 GMOS-N acqCal OBJECT Wolf1346 g 1x1 2.00 Pass
N20150530S0501.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-30-002 2015-05-30 14:55:56 GMOS-N acqCal OBJECT Wolf1346 g 1x1 20.00 Pass
N20150530S0502.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-30-003 2015-05-30 14:57:23 GMOS-N acqCal OBJECT Wolf1346 g 1x1 2.00 Pass
N20150530S0503.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-31-001 2015-05-30 14:59:46 GMOS-N partnerCal OBJECT Wolf1346 B1200 : 0.410 4x4 120.00 Pass
N20150530S0504.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-31-002 2015-05-30 15:02:57 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.410 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150530S0505.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-31-003 2015-05-30 15:03:38 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.445 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150530S0506.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-31-004 2015-05-30 15:04:09 GMOS-N partnerCal OBJECT Wolf1346 B1200 : 0.445 4x4 120.00 Usable
N20150530S0507.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-31-005 2015-05-30 15:08:03 GMOS-N partnerCal OBJECT Wolf1346 B1200 : 0.445 4x4 90.00 Pass
N20150530S0508.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-31-006 2015-05-30 15:10:02 GMOS-N partnerCal OBJECT Wolf1346 B1200 : 0.480 4x4 90.00 Pass
N20150530S0509.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-31-007 2015-05-30 15:12:00 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.480 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150530S0519.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-26-001 2015-05-30 15:26:07 GMOS-N dayCal OBJECT Twilight B1200 : 0.450 4x4 3.00 Undefined
N20150530S0520.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-26-002 2015-05-30 15:27:34 GMOS-N dayCal OBJECT Twilight B1200 : 0.450 4x4 3.00 Undefined
N20150530S0521.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-26-003 2015-05-30 15:29:09 GMOS-N dayCal OBJECT Twilight B1200 : 0.450 4x4 7.00 Undefined
N20150530S0522.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-40-001 2015-05-30 15:37:14 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.450 4x4 10.00 Undefined
N20150530S0523.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-40-002 2015-05-30 15:38:00 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.440 4x4 10.00 Undefined
N20150530S0524.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-32-001 2015-05-30 15:40:32 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.410 4x4 10.00 Undefined
N20150530S0525.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-32-002 2015-05-30 15:41:12 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.445 4x4 10.00 Undefined
N20150530S0526.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-32-003 2015-05-30 15:41:52 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.480 4x4 10.00 Undefined
N20150607S0060.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-41-001 2015-06-07 07:40:13 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150607S0061.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-41-002 2015-06-07 07:43:33 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150607S0062.fits [A] [L] GN-2015A-Q-15-41-003 2015-06-07 07:45:26 GMOS-N acq OBJECT ELAIS-N2 g 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20150607S0063.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-027 2015-06-07 07:48:34 GMOS-N science OBJECT ELAIS-N2 B1200 : 0.440 4x4 2079.97 Pass
N20150607S0064.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-34-028 2015-06-07 08:23:45 GMOS-N partnerCal FLAT GCALflat B1200 : 0.440 4x4 3.00 Pass
N20150607S0309.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-42-001 2015-06-07 15:00:26 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.450 4x4 10.00 Undefined
N20150607S0310.fits [A] GN-2015A-Q-15-42-002 2015-06-07 15:01:12 GMOS-N dayCal ARC CuAr ⚓↑ B1200 : 0.440 4x4 10.00 Undefined
- this is always available at this link

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You cannot do calibration association on an unconstrained search, or one that hits the search limit. Please revise your original search so that this is not the case.
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