Gemini Observatory Archive
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(no punctuation; separate with spaces) Matches all words. Write !word to reject results that contain it
(no punctuation; separate with spaces) Text search the program Title. Matches all words. Write !word to reject results that contain it
(bibliography code of related publication) Search for data related to a publication by it's bibliography code.
(Name of Target) Enter a target name here. If you don't Resolve the target name into a co-ordinate search, this will do a search on the target name as specified in the phase-II. Be aware that observers sometimes use a different target name to what you expect - this is only really useful if you set up the Phase-II, or otherwise know exactly what target name was used. If you set a Name Resolver and click resolve, we will fetch co-ordinates of your target from the resolver specified and then the search will disregard the target name and search only by co-ordinates. Note that the name resolvers will not work solar system bodies.

Searches on the target name are not case sensitive, and you can use the * character as a wildcard - for example mrk* will find e.g. Mrk42, and *io* will find e.g. Io, Io.eph, Orion, etc.

(Name Resolver) Choose a Name Resolver and click the resolve button to attempt to find the co-ordinates of your named source. If the form has both a target name and co-ordinates, the search will disregard the target name. Note: The name resolvers will only work for objects outside the solar system, there's no capability for meaningful use with moving objects, for example planets.
( or decimal degrees) Right Ascension. You can use HH:MM:SS[.ss...] or decimal degrees. In either case you can specify a single value or a range, eg 11:22:33 - 12:34:56. If you enter a single value, also see the Search Radius field.
([+-] or decimal degrees) Declination. You can use [+|-]DD:MM:SS[.ss...] or decimal degrees. In either case you can specify a single value or a range, eg 11:22:33 - 12:34:56 or -65:43:21 - -12:34:56. If you enter a single value, also see the Search Radius field.
(arcsecs or decimal degrees) Search radius in arcseconds, unless you specify "d" or "degs" to make it decimal degrees. i.e. 180 means 180 arcseconds, 10degs or 10d means 10 degrees.
If RA and/or dec has been given as a single value (as opposed to a range), this specifies the size of the box around it to search. This is actually a simple search in a square box (in the tangent plane), not a true cone search. Strange things may happen near the poles.

(click to show / hide) Click where it says "Advanced Options" to show or hide the advanced options. (click to show / hide) Click where it says "Column Selection" to show or hide the panel that lets you choose the columns to be shown in the results. You need to click on 'Search' to apply the changes
(or Obs. ID / Data Label. Exact Match) You can put a program ID, Observation ID or Data Label into this box. The search will be for an exact match to what you put in, substring type matches are not provided. Example: GN-2001A-Q-1
(YYYYMMDD or start - end) You can specify 1) an individual date in the form YYYYMMDD, 2) a date range in the form yyyymmdd-YYYYMMDD, or 3) a date-time range in the form yyyymmddThhmmss[.s...]-YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS[.S...]. Examples: 20101231 or 20100101 - 20100131 or 20101122T012345-20101231T231234. You can also specify whether to search strictly on UTC date (note tha Gemini South observing nights span two UTC dates) or on Observing Night, which will use the traditional Gemini scheme of labelling observing nights by the UTC date at the start of the night with a 1400 (+- daylight savings in Chile) local time date rollover.
(Select GMOS for GMOS-N and GMOS-S) Select the instrument you are looking for data from.
(help) Select an Observation Class here, or set it to Any to not search by Observation Class.
(help) Select an Observation Type here, or set it to Any to not search by Observation Type.
(Imaging / Spectroscopy etc) Select Imaging or various Spectroscopy modes here. Spectroscopy implies all spectroscopic modes. Note that not all instruments support all these modes, such searches will return no results.
(help) Select data did or did not use Adaptive Optics, or that used specifically LGS or NGS AO.
(Processing status of data) Reduced data in the archive can have different reduction status. Select here if you would like to search for a particular type or reduced data, or for raw data only.

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Click this box to close it. Click Here to open in a new tab

Science Quality

Key: [P]: Preview an image of the data in your browser. [H]: Provenance and History. [D]: Download that one file. [A]: Program Abstract and PI / Co-I details. [L]: observing Log entries. Use the check-boxes to select a subset of the results to download, or if available a download all link is at the end of the table. Click the filename to see the full header in a new tab. Click anything else to add that to your search criteria. You can also save these results as JSON.

Download Filename Data Label UT Date Time Inst Class Type Object WaveBand Binning ExpT QA
N20110908S0127.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-22-001 2011-09-08 09:40:48 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110908S0128.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-22-002 2011-09-08 09:42:18 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110908S0129.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-22-003 2011-09-08 09:43:14 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110908S0130.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-22-004 2011-09-08 09:44:33 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110908S0131.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-23-001 2011-09-08 09:45:34 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110908S0132.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-23-002 2011-09-08 09:46:09 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110908S0133.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-23-003 2011-09-08 09:46:45 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110908S0134.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-23-004 2011-09-08 09:47:16 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110908S0135.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-23-005 2011-09-08 09:47:52 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110908S0136.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-23-006 2011-09-08 09:48:27 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110908S0409.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-001 2011-09-08 17:41:23 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0410.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-002 2011-09-08 17:41:49 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0411.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-003 2011-09-08 17:42:15 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0412.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-004 2011-09-08 17:42:41 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0413.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-005 2011-09-08 17:43:07 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0414.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-006 2011-09-08 17:43:37 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0415.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-007 2011-09-08 17:44:03 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0416.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-008 2011-09-08 17:44:28 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0417.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-009 2011-09-08 17:44:54 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0418.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-010 2011-09-08 17:45:20 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0419.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-011 2011-09-08 17:46:31 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110908S0420.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-012 2011-09-08 17:47:22 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110908S0421.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-013 2011-09-08 17:49:43 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0422.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-014 2011-09-08 17:50:09 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0423.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-29-015 2011-09-08 17:50:38 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110908S0424.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-28-001 2011-09-08 17:51:04 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ HK 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110908S0425.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-28-002 2011-09-08 17:52:36 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110908S0426.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-28-003 2011-09-08 17:53:04 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110908S0427.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-28-004 2011-09-08 17:53:32 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110908S0428.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-28-005 2011-09-08 17:54:00 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110909S0152.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-78-001 2011-09-09 05:30:46 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110909S0153.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-78-002 2011-09-09 05:31:30 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110909S0154.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-78-003 2011-09-09 05:32:54 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110909S0155.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-79-001 2011-09-09 05:34:04 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110909S0156.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-79-002 2011-09-09 05:34:39 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110909S0157.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-79-003 2011-09-09 05:35:15 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110909S0158.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-79-004 2011-09-09 05:35:46 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110909S0159.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-79-005 2011-09-09 05:36:22 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110909S0160.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-79-006 2011-09-09 05:36:58 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 99719 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Usable
N20110909S0506.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-80-001 2011-09-09 17:35:06 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110909S0507.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-80-002 2011-09-09 17:35:34 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110909S0508.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-80-003 2011-09-09 17:36:02 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110909S0509.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-80-004 2011-09-09 17:36:30 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110909S0510.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-80-005 2011-09-09 17:36:58 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20110909S0511.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-001 2011-09-09 17:38:11 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0512.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-002 2011-09-09 17:38:37 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0513.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-003 2011-09-09 17:39:03 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0514.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-004 2011-09-09 17:39:29 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0515.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-005 2011-09-09 17:39:55 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0516.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-006 2011-09-09 17:40:25 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0517.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-007 2011-09-09 17:40:51 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0518.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-008 2011-09-09 17:41:17 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0519.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-009 2011-09-09 17:41:43 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0520.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-010 2011-09-09 17:42:09 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0521.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-011 2011-09-09 17:42:34 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ HK 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110909S0522.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-012 2011-09-09 17:43:25 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110909S0523.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-013 2011-09-09 17:45:46 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0524.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-014 2011-09-09 17:46:12 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110909S0525.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-81-015 2011-09-09 17:46:42 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0186.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-32-001 2011-09-13 07:15:30 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0187.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-32-002 2011-09-13 07:16:16 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0188.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-32-003 2011-09-13 07:17:47 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0189.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-32-004 2011-09-13 07:19:07 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0190.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-001 2011-09-13 07:20:30 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0191.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-002 2011-09-13 07:23:41 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0192.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-003 2011-09-13 07:27:04 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0193.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-004 2011-09-13 07:30:18 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0194.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-005 2011-09-13 07:33:29 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0195.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-006 2011-09-13 07:36:52 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0196.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-007 2011-09-13 07:40:06 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0197.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-008 2011-09-13 07:43:17 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0198.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-009 2011-09-13 07:46:38 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0199.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-010 2011-09-13 07:49:54 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0200.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-011 2011-09-13 07:53:05 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0201.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-012 2011-09-13 07:56:26 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 058 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0202.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-33-013 2011-09-13 08:00:25 NIFS + AO + LGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0203.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-34-001 2011-09-13 08:04:03 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0204.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-35-001 2011-09-13 08:05:11 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20110913S0205.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-35-002 2011-09-13 08:05:49 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20110913S0206.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-35-003 2011-09-13 08:06:24 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20110913S0207.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-35-004 2011-09-13 08:06:57 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20110913S0208.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-35-005 2011-09-13 08:07:32 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20110913S0209.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-35-006 2011-09-13 08:08:10 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20110913S0210.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-48-001 2011-09-13 08:35:46 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0211.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-48-002 2011-09-13 08:36:24 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0212.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-48-003 2011-09-13 08:37:39 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0213.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-001 2011-09-13 08:38:48 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0214.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-002 2011-09-13 08:39:32 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0215.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-003 2011-09-13 08:40:30 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0216.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-004 2011-09-13 08:41:22 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0217.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-005 2011-09-13 08:42:10 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0218.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-006 2011-09-13 08:43:04 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0219.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-007 2011-09-13 08:43:56 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0220.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-008 2011-09-13 08:44:44 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0221.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-009 2011-09-13 08:45:40 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0222.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-010 2011-09-13 08:46:32 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0223.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-011 2011-09-13 08:47:20 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0224.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-012 2011-09-13 08:48:16 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 016 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0225.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-49-013 2011-09-13 08:49:52 NIFS + AO + LGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0226.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-50-001 2011-09-13 08:53:01 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 114332 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0227.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-50-002 2011-09-13 08:54:13 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 114332 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0228.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-51-001 2011-09-13 08:56:13 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0229.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-51-002 2011-09-13 08:57:59 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114332 K : 2.200 1x1 40.00 Pass
N20110913S0230.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-51-003 2011-09-13 08:59:05 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114332 K : 2.200 1x1 40.00 Pass
N20110913S0231.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-51-004 2011-09-13 09:00:11 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114332 K : 2.200 1x1 40.00 Pass
N20110913S0232.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-51-005 2011-09-13 09:01:12 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114332 K : 2.200 1x1 40.00 Pass
N20110913S0233.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-51-006 2011-09-13 09:02:19 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114332 K : 2.200 1x1 40.00 Pass
N20110913S0234.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-51-007 2011-09-13 09:03:25 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114332 K : 2.200 1x1 40.00 Pass
N20110913S0235.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-56-001 2011-09-13 09:15:58 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0236.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-56-002 2011-09-13 09:16:38 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0237.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-56-003 2011-09-13 09:17:56 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0238.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-001 2011-09-13 09:19:16 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0239.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-002 2011-09-13 09:20:00 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0240.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-003 2011-09-13 09:20:56 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0241.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-004 2011-09-13 09:21:48 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0242.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-005 2011-09-13 09:22:32 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0243.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-006 2011-09-13 09:23:28 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0244.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-007 2011-09-13 09:24:20 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0245.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-008 2011-09-13 09:25:04 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0246.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-009 2011-09-13 09:26:00 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0247.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-010 2011-09-13 09:26:52 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0248.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-011 2011-09-13 09:27:36 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0249.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-012 2011-09-13 09:28:32 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 033 K : 2.200 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0250.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-57-013 2011-09-13 09:30:08 NIFS + AO + LGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0251.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-58-001 2011-09-13 09:33:15 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 102074 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0252.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-58-002 2011-09-13 09:34:42 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 102074 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0253.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-59-001 2011-09-13 09:35:44 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 102074 K : 2.200 1x1 35.00 Pass
N20110913S0254.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-59-002 2011-09-13 09:36:44 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 102074 K : 2.200 1x1 35.00 Pass
N20110913S0255.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-59-003 2011-09-13 09:37:45 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 102074 K : 2.200 1x1 35.00 Pass
N20110913S0256.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-59-004 2011-09-13 09:38:41 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 102074 K : 2.200 1x1 35.00 Pass
N20110913S0257.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-59-005 2011-09-13 09:39:42 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 102074 K : 2.200 1x1 35.00 Pass
N20110913S0258.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-59-006 2011-09-13 09:40:44 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 102074 K : 2.200 1x1 35.00 Pass
N20110913S0353.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-001 2011-09-13 15:54:26 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0354.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-002 2011-09-13 15:54:52 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0355.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-003 2011-09-13 15:55:18 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0356.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-004 2011-09-13 15:55:44 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0357.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-005 2011-09-13 15:56:10 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0358.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-006 2011-09-13 15:56:40 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0359.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-007 2011-09-13 15:57:06 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0360.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-008 2011-09-13 15:57:32 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0361.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-009 2011-09-13 15:57:58 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0362.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-010 2011-09-13 15:58:24 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0363.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-011 2011-09-13 15:59:36 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0364.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-012 2011-09-13 16:00:26 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0365.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-013 2011-09-13 16:02:47 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0366.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-014 2011-09-13 16:03:13 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0367.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-37-015 2011-09-13 16:03:43 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0368.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-36-001 2011-09-13 16:05:38 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0369.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-36-002 2011-09-13 16:08:45 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0370.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-36-003 2011-09-13 16:11:51 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0371.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-36-004 2011-09-13 16:14:58 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0372.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-36-005 2011-09-13 16:18:04 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20110913S0373.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-52-001 2011-09-13 16:21:11 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0374.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-52-002 2011-09-13 16:21:54 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0375.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-52-003 2011-09-13 16:22:37 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0376.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-52-004 2011-09-13 16:23:21 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0377.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-52-005 2011-09-13 16:24:04 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0378.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-001 2011-09-13 16:25:32 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0379.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-002 2011-09-13 16:25:58 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0380.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-003 2011-09-13 16:26:24 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0381.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-004 2011-09-13 16:26:50 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0382.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-005 2011-09-13 16:27:16 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0383.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-006 2011-09-13 16:27:46 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0384.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-007 2011-09-13 16:28:12 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0385.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-008 2011-09-13 16:28:38 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0386.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-009 2011-09-13 16:29:04 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0387.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-010 2011-09-13 16:29:30 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0388.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-011 2011-09-13 16:30:41 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0389.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-012 2011-09-13 16:31:32 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0390.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-013 2011-09-13 16:33:53 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0391.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-014 2011-09-13 16:34:19 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0392.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-53-015 2011-09-13 16:34:49 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0393.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-60-001 2011-09-13 16:36:44 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0394.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-60-002 2011-09-13 16:37:26 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0395.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-60-003 2011-09-13 16:38:10 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0396.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-60-004 2011-09-13 16:38:53 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0397.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-60-005 2011-09-13 16:39:36 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 23.00 Pass
N20110913S0398.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-001 2011-09-13 16:41:04 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0399.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-002 2011-09-13 16:41:34 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0400.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-003 2011-09-13 16:42:00 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0401.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-004 2011-09-13 16:42:26 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0402.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-005 2011-09-13 16:42:52 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0403.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-006 2011-09-13 16:43:22 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0404.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-007 2011-09-13 16:43:48 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0405.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-008 2011-09-13 16:44:18 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0406.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-009 2011-09-13 16:44:44 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0407.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-010 2011-09-13 16:45:10 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0408.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-011 2011-09-13 16:46:22 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0409.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-012 2011-09-13 16:47:12 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20110913S0410.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-013 2011-09-13 16:49:33 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0411.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-014 2011-09-13 16:49:59 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110913S0412.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-61-015 2011-09-13 16:50:29 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20110917S0117.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-70-001 2011-09-17 07:04:08 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110917S0118.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-70-002 2011-09-17 07:05:29 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110917S0119.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-70-003 2011-09-17 07:06:27 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110917S0120.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-71-001 2011-09-17 07:08:16 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Usable
N20110917S0121.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-71-002 2011-09-17 07:10:02 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0122.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-71-003 2011-09-17 07:10:34 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0123.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-71-004 2011-09-17 07:11:06 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0124.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-71-005 2011-09-17 07:11:33 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0125.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-71-006 2011-09-17 07:12:05 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0126.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-71-007 2011-09-17 07:12:36 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0177.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-62-001 2011-09-17 09:42:04 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20110917S0178.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-63-001 2011-09-17 09:43:02 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0179.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-63-002 2011-09-17 09:43:34 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0180.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-63-003 2011-09-17 09:44:06 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0181.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-63-004 2011-09-17 09:44:32 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0182.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-63-005 2011-09-17 09:45:04 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20110917S0183.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-63-006 2011-09-17 09:45:32 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Usable
N20111009S0271.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-90-001 2011-10-09 04:42:31 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111009S0272.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-90-002 2011-10-09 04:43:36 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111009S0273.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-91-001 2011-10-09 04:52:58 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111009S0274.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-91-002 2011-10-09 04:53:36 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111009S0275.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-91-003 2011-10-09 04:54:15 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111009S0276.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-91-004 2011-10-09 04:54:48 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111009S0277.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-91-005 2011-10-09 04:55:26 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111009S0278.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-91-006 2011-10-09 04:56:05 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111009S0279.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-92-001 2011-10-09 05:14:15 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111009S0280.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-92-002 2011-10-09 05:14:51 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111009S0281.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-92-003 2011-10-09 05:16:09 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111009S0282.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-93-001 2011-10-09 05:17:13 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Usable
N20111009S0283.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-93-002 2011-10-09 05:22:18 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Usable
N20111009S0663.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-97-001 2011-10-09 16:24:18 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111009S0664.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-97-002 2011-10-09 16:29:22 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111009S0665.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-97-003 2011-10-09 16:34:22 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111009S0666.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-97-004 2011-10-09 16:39:22 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111009S0667.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-97-005 2011-10-09 16:44:22 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111009S0668.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-001 2011-10-09 16:50:08 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0669.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-002 2011-10-09 16:50:34 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0670.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-003 2011-10-09 16:51:00 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0671.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-004 2011-10-09 16:51:25 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0672.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-005 2011-10-09 16:51:51 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0673.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-006 2011-10-09 16:52:21 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0674.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-007 2011-10-09 16:52:47 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0675.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-008 2011-10-09 16:53:13 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0676.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-009 2011-10-09 16:53:39 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0677.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-010 2011-10-09 16:54:05 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0678.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-011 2011-10-09 16:55:16 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111009S0679.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-012 2011-10-09 16:56:07 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111009S0680.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-013 2011-10-09 16:58:27 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0681.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-014 2011-10-09 16:58:53 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111009S0682.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-96-015 2011-10-09 16:59:23 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0174.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-103-001 2011-10-11 05:29:15 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111011S0175.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-103-002 2011-10-11 05:30:08 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111011S0176.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-102-001 2011-10-11 05:32:18 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111011S0177.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-102-002 2011-10-11 05:32:56 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111011S0178.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-102-003 2011-10-11 05:33:35 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111011S0179.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-102-004 2011-10-11 05:34:08 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111011S0180.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-102-005 2011-10-11 05:34:46 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111011S0181.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-102-006 2011-10-11 05:35:25 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 109079 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Usable
N20111011S0182.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-101-001 2011-10-11 06:11:06 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111011S0183.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-101-002 2011-10-11 06:11:44 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111011S0184.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-101-003 2011-10-11 06:12:42 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20111011S0185.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-100-001 2011-10-11 06:14:12 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Usable
N20111011S0186.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-100-002 2011-10-11 06:19:17 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Usable
N20111011S0187.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-100-003 2011-10-11 06:24:30 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Usable
N20111011S0188.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-104-001 2011-10-11 06:34:36 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111011S0367.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-40-001 2011-10-11 11:14:18 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0368.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-40-002 2011-10-11 11:14:54 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0369.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-40-003 2011-10-11 11:16:01 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0370.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-40-004 2011-10-11 11:17:01 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0371.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-001 2011-10-11 11:18:06 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0372.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-002 2011-10-11 11:21:17 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0373.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-003 2011-10-11 11:24:36 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0374.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-004 2011-10-11 11:27:56 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0375.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-005 2011-10-11 11:31:07 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0376.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-006 2011-10-11 11:39:48 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0377.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-007 2011-10-11 11:43:19 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0378.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-008 2011-10-11 11:46:40 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0379.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-009 2011-10-11 11:49:52 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0380.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-010 2011-10-11 11:53:12 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0381.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-011 2011-10-11 11:56:22 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0382.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-012 2011-10-11 11:59:33 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0383.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-013 2011-10-11 12:02:50 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 047 K : 2.200 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0384.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-41-014 2011-10-11 12:06:51 NIFS + AO + LGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111011S0385.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-42-001 2011-10-11 12:11:35 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 7291 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0386.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-42-002 2011-10-11 12:12:33 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 7291 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0387.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-43-001 2011-10-11 12:13:28 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 7291 K : 2.200 1x1 25.00 Pass
N20111011S0388.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-43-002 2011-10-11 12:14:19 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 7291 K : 2.200 1x1 25.00 Pass
N20111011S0389.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-43-003 2011-10-11 12:15:10 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 7291 K : 2.200 1x1 25.00 Pass
N20111011S0390.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-43-004 2011-10-11 12:15:55 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 7291 K : 2.200 1x1 25.00 Pass
N20111011S0391.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-43-005 2011-10-11 12:16:46 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 7291 K : 2.200 1x1 25.00 Pass
N20111011S0392.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-43-006 2011-10-11 12:17:37 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 7291 K : 2.200 1x1 25.00 Pass
N20111011S0497.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-99-001 2011-10-11 16:16:21 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111011S0498.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-99-002 2011-10-11 16:21:21 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111011S0499.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-99-003 2011-10-11 16:26:20 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111011S0500.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-99-004 2011-10-11 16:31:20 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111011S0501.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-99-005 2011-10-11 16:36:20 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111011S0502.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-44-001 2011-10-11 16:41:21 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0503.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-44-002 2011-10-11 16:44:27 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0504.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-44-003 2011-10-11 16:47:34 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0505.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-44-004 2011-10-11 16:50:40 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0506.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-44-005 2011-10-11 16:53:47 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 150.00 Pass
N20111011S0512.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-001 2011-10-11 17:56:32 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0513.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-002 2011-10-11 17:57:02 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0514.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-003 2011-10-11 17:57:28 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0515.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-004 2011-10-11 17:57:54 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0516.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-005 2011-10-11 17:58:20 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0517.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-006 2011-10-11 17:58:50 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0518.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-007 2011-10-11 17:59:15 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0519.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-008 2011-10-11 17:59:41 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0520.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-009 2011-10-11 18:00:07 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0521.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-010 2011-10-11 18:00:33 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0522.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-011 2011-10-11 18:01:44 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111011S0523.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-012 2011-10-11 18:02:34 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111011S0524.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-013 2011-10-11 18:04:56 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0525.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-014 2011-10-11 18:05:22 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0526.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-98-015 2011-10-11 18:05:52 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0527.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-001 2011-10-11 18:07:06 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0528.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-002 2011-10-11 18:07:32 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0529.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-003 2011-10-11 18:07:58 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0530.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-004 2011-10-11 18:08:23 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0531.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-005 2011-10-11 18:08:49 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0532.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-006 2011-10-11 18:09:19 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0533.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-007 2011-10-11 18:09:45 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0534.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-008 2011-10-11 18:10:11 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0535.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-009 2011-10-11 18:10:37 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0536.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-010 2011-10-11 18:11:03 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0537.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-011 2011-10-11 18:12:14 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111011S0538.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-012 2011-10-11 18:13:05 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111011S0539.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-013 2011-10-11 18:15:26 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0540.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-014 2011-10-11 18:15:52 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111011S0541.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-45-015 2011-10-11 18:16:22 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0251.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-16-001 2011-10-16 13:45:04 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0252.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-16-002 2011-10-16 13:45:39 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0253.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-16-003 2011-10-16 13:46:38 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0254.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-001 2011-10-16 13:47:56 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0255.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-002 2011-10-16 13:48:28 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0256.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-003 2011-10-16 13:49:11 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0257.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-004 2011-10-16 13:49:43 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0258.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-005 2011-10-16 13:50:16 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0259.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-006 2011-10-16 13:51:02 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0260.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-007 2011-10-16 13:51:33 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0261.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-008 2011-10-16 13:52:06 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0262.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-009 2011-10-16 13:52:52 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0263.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-010 2011-10-16 13:53:22 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0264.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-011 2011-10-16 13:53:55 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0265.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-012 2011-10-16 13:54:38 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 021 K : 2.200 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0266.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-17-013 2011-10-16 13:55:58 NIFS + AO + LGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111016S0267.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-18-001 2011-10-16 14:00:41 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 32268 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0268.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-18-002 2011-10-16 14:01:50 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 32268 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0269.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-19-001 2011-10-16 14:02:47 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 32268 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20111016S0270.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-19-002 2011-10-16 14:03:22 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 32268 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20111016S0271.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-19-003 2011-10-16 14:03:59 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 32268 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20111016S0272.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-19-004 2011-10-16 14:04:30 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 32268 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20111016S0273.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-19-005 2011-10-16 14:05:05 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 32268 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20111016S0274.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-19-006 2011-10-16 14:05:37 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 32268 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20111016S0453.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-20-001 2011-10-16 16:18:43 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0454.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-20-002 2011-10-16 16:19:11 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0455.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-20-003 2011-10-16 16:19:40 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0456.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-20-004 2011-10-16 16:20:08 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0457.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-20-005 2011-10-16 16:20:36 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 8.00 Pass
N20111016S0458.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-001 2011-10-16 16:21:49 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0459.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-002 2011-10-16 16:22:15 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0460.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-003 2011-10-16 16:22:41 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0461.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-004 2011-10-16 16:23:07 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0462.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-005 2011-10-16 16:23:32 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0463.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-006 2011-10-16 16:24:02 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0464.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-007 2011-10-16 16:24:28 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0465.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-008 2011-10-16 16:24:54 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0466.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-009 2011-10-16 16:25:20 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0467.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-010 2011-10-16 16:25:46 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0468.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-011 2011-10-16 16:26:57 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111016S0469.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-012 2011-10-16 16:27:48 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111016S0470.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-013 2011-10-16 16:30:09 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0471.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-014 2011-10-16 16:30:35 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111016S0472.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-21-015 2011-10-16 16:31:05 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0172.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-105-001 2011-12-09 04:45:58 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0173.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-105-002 2011-12-09 04:46:34 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0174.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-105-003 2011-12-09 04:48:09 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0175.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-001 2011-12-09 04:49:44 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0176.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-002 2011-12-09 04:54:44 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0177.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-003 2011-12-09 04:59:58 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0178.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-004 2011-12-09 05:05:02 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0179.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-005 2011-12-09 05:10:07 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0181.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-006 2011-12-09 05:20:25 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0182.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-007 2011-12-09 05:25:34 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0183.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-008 2011-12-09 05:30:39 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0184.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-009 2011-12-09 05:35:52 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0185.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-010 2011-12-09 05:40:56 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0186.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-011 2011-12-09 05:45:57 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0187.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-012 2011-12-09 05:51:10 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT 035 K : 2.200 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0188.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-110-013 2011-12-09 05:57:03 NIFS + AO + LGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111209S0189.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-94-001 2011-12-09 06:05:27 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 114714 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0190.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-94-002 2011-12-09 06:06:21 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 114714 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0191.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-95-001 2011-12-09 06:07:19 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114714 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20111209S0192.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-95-002 2011-12-09 06:07:58 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114714 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20111209S0193.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-95-003 2011-12-09 06:08:36 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114714 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20111209S0194.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-95-004 2011-12-09 06:09:09 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114714 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20111209S0195.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-95-005 2011-12-09 06:09:47 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114714 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20111209S0196.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-95-006 2011-12-09 06:10:25 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 114714 K : 2.200 1x1 13.00 Pass
N20111209S0392.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-112-001 2011-12-09 16:42:29 NIFS dayCal DARK Manual Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0393.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-112-002 2011-12-09 16:47:29 NIFS dayCal DARK Manual Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0394.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-112-003 2011-12-09 16:52:29 NIFS dayCal DARK Manual Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0395.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-112-004 2011-12-09 16:57:29 NIFS dayCal DARK Manual Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0396.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-112-005 2011-12-09 17:02:29 NIFS dayCal DARK Manual Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 200.00 Pass
N20111209S0459.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-001 2011-12-09 20:17:41 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0460.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-002 2011-12-09 20:18:07 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0461.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-003 2011-12-09 20:18:33 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0462.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-004 2011-12-09 20:18:59 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0463.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-005 2011-12-09 20:19:25 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0464.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-006 2011-12-09 20:19:55 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0465.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-007 2011-12-09 20:20:21 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0466.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-008 2011-12-09 20:20:47 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0467.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-009 2011-12-09 20:21:12 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0468.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-010 2011-12-09 20:21:38 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0469.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-011 2011-12-09 20:22:50 NIFS dayCal DARK Manual Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20111209S0470.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-012 2011-12-09 20:23:40 NIFS dayCal DARK Manual Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Usable
N20111209S0471.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-013 2011-12-09 20:26:01 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0472.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-014 2011-12-09 20:26:27 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111209S0473.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-111-015 2011-12-09 20:26:57 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20111216S0139.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-88-001 2011-12-16 05:58:14 NIFS + AO + LGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Usable
N20120612S0119.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-64-001 2012-06-12 13:58:13 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0120.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-64-002 2012-06-12 13:58:51 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0121.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-64-003 2012-06-12 14:01:53 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 16.00 Pass
N20120612S0122.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-114-001 2012-06-12 14:03:37 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 16.00 Pass
N20120612S0123.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-65-001 2012-06-12 14:07:27 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120612S0124.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-65-002 2012-06-12 14:18:12 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120612S0125.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-65-003 2012-06-12 14:29:03 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120612S0126.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-65-007 2012-06-12 14:40:53 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20120612S0128.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-66-001 2012-06-12 14:46:56 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0129.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-66-002 2012-06-12 14:48:15 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0130.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-67-001 2012-06-12 14:49:11 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120612S0131.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-67-002 2012-06-12 14:49:51 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120612S0132.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-67-003 2012-06-12 14:50:26 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120612S0133.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-67-004 2012-06-12 14:50:57 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120612S0134.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-67-005 2012-06-12 14:51:33 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120612S0135.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-67-006 2012-06-12 14:52:08 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120612S0175.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-68-001 2012-06-12 17:32:38 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120612S0176.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-68-002 2012-06-12 17:38:03 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120612S0177.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-68-003 2012-06-12 17:43:28 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120612S0178.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-68-004 2012-06-12 17:48:53 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120612S0179.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-68-005 2012-06-12 17:54:18 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120612S0296.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-002 2012-06-12 18:25:39 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0297.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-003 2012-06-12 18:26:04 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0298.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-004 2012-06-12 18:26:30 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0299.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-005 2012-06-12 18:26:56 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0300.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-006 2012-06-12 18:27:26 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0301.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-007 2012-06-12 18:27:52 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0302.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-008 2012-06-12 18:28:17 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0303.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-009 2012-06-12 18:28:43 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0304.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-010 2012-06-12 18:29:09 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0305.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-011 2012-06-12 18:30:20 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20120612S0306.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-012 2012-06-12 18:31:11 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20120612S0307.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-013 2012-06-12 18:33:31 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0308.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-014 2012-06-12 18:33:57 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120612S0309.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-69-015 2012-06-12 18:34:27 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0331.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-86-001 2012-06-15 12:49:44 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0332.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-86-002 2012-06-15 12:50:42 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0333.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-87-001 2012-06-15 12:52:24 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20120615S0334.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-87-002 2012-06-15 12:54:11 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Pass
N20120615S0335.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-87-003 2012-06-15 12:54:43 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Pass
N20120615S0336.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-87-004 2012-06-15 12:55:16 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Pass
N20120615S0337.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-87-005 2012-06-15 12:55:44 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Pass
N20120615S0338.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-87-006 2012-06-15 12:56:16 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Pass
N20120615S0339.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-87-007 2012-06-15 12:56:49 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 106393 K : 2.200 1x1 6.00 Pass
N20120615S0340.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-72-001 2012-06-15 13:11:00 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0341.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-72-002 2012-06-15 13:11:40 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0342.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-72-003 2012-06-15 13:12:37 NIFS + AO + LGS acq OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0343.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-73-001 2012-06-15 13:13:44 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120615S0344.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-73-002 2012-06-15 13:24:31 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120615S0345.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-73-003 2012-06-15 13:35:44 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120615S0346.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-73-004 2012-06-15 13:46:34 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120615S0347.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-73-005 2012-06-15 13:57:24 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120615S0348.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-73-006 2012-06-15 14:08:11 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120615S0349.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-73-007 2012-06-15 14:21:54 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Pass
N20120615S0350.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-73-008 2012-06-15 14:32:47 NIFS + AO + LGS science OBJECT A49 K : 2.200 1x1 450.00 Usable
N20120615S0351.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-73-009 2012-06-15 14:44:22 NIFS + AO + LGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20120615S0352.fits [A] [L] GN-2011B-Q-25-74-001 2012-06-15 14:48:20 NIFS + AO + NGS acqCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0353.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-75-001 2012-06-15 14:50:08 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal ARC Ar,Xe K : 2.200 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20120615S0354.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-75-002 2012-06-15 14:51:55 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120615S0355.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-75-003 2012-06-15 14:52:32 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120615S0356.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-75-004 2012-06-15 14:53:08 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120615S0357.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-75-005 2012-06-15 14:53:40 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120615S0358.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-75-006 2012-06-15 14:54:17 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120615S0359.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-75-007 2012-06-15 14:54:53 NIFS + AO + NGS partnerCal OBJECT HIP 117450 K : 2.200 1x1 10.00 Pass
N20120615S0401.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-76-001 2012-06-15 17:09:26 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120615S0402.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-76-002 2012-06-15 17:14:52 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120615S0403.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-76-003 2012-06-15 17:20:18 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120615S0404.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-76-004 2012-06-15 17:25:44 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120615S0405.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-76-005 2012-06-15 17:31:10 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 225.00 Pass
N20120615S0496.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-001 2012-06-15 18:19:59 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0497.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-002 2012-06-15 18:20:26 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0498.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-003 2012-06-15 18:20:53 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0499.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-004 2012-06-15 18:21:20 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0500.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-005 2012-06-15 18:21:47 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0501.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-006 2012-06-15 18:22:17 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0502.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-007 2012-06-15 18:22:44 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0503.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-008 2012-06-15 18:23:11 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0504.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-009 2012-06-15 18:23:37 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0505.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-010 2012-06-15 18:24:04 NIFS dayCal FLAT GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0506.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-011 2012-06-15 18:25:15 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20120615S0507.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-012 2012-06-15 18:26:07 NIFS dayCal DARK Dark ⚓↑ blank 1x1 30.00 Pass
N20120615S0508.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-013 2012-06-15 18:28:28 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0509.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-014 2012-06-15 18:28:55 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
N20120615S0510.fits [A] GN-2011B-Q-25-77-015 2012-06-15 18:29:25 NIFS dayCal RONCHI GCALflat ⚓↑ K : 2.200 1x1 5.00 Pass
- this is always available at this link

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