Program: GS-2013B-Q-20

Title:Nuclear and circumnuclear low ionization emission in massive galaxies
PI:Tiago Ricci
Co-I(s): Joao E. Steiner, Roberto Menezes


We propose to observe a statistically complete sample of massive galaxies (B < 12.0 mag and σ > 200 km / s) in the southern hemisphere. Such objects are known to frequently present both nuclear and circumnuclear low ionization emission lines. Many questions still remain to be answered and will be addressed by this survey, such as: 1- What is the frequency of galaxies without an AGN? Are there massive galaxies without a central supermassive black hole? 2- What is the frequency of circumnuclear low ionization emission? How does the circumnuclear emission relate to the AGN and to the stellar population and galaxy properties? What is the kinematics associated with the circumnuclear emission? 3- What is the frequency and characteristics of the broad component in Hα and [O I] lines and how do they relate to other parameters? In addition we will derive properties of the stellar component to obtain Gauss-Hermite moments, characterize fast and slow rotators and correlate them with environment. For the most promising cases we will also derive the mass of the black hole.

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