Program: GS-2012B-Q-50

Title:Star formation rates in gamma-ray burst host galaxies (South)
PI:Andrew Levan
Co-I(s): Nial Tanvir, Klaas Wiersema, Jens Hjorth, Kim Tibbetts-Harlow, Daniel Perley


Gamma-ray bursts represent powerful beacons to the distant Universe, selecting galaxies across the luminosity function and providing detailed physical information from studies of their afterglows. Hence, a sample of GRB selected galaxies offers a powerful complementary route to the studying the history of star formation and the build up of stellar mass across cosmic history. Here we propose to obtain rest-frame UV observations for a sample of GRB hosts at known redshift, where we have HST IR observations in hand. From these we will measure UV star formation rates and constrain dust extinction in the hosts. In tandem with our existing observaitons of the hosts and afterglows we will construct a highly detailed catalog of the physical properties of star forming galaxies, including redshifts, luminosities, morphologies, star formation rates, stellar masses, metallicities, H-column densities and gas dynamics across 95% of cosmic history.

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