Program: GS-2009A-Q-59

Title:Quantifying the Dusty Surroundings of Unobscured AGN with Mid-IR Observations
PI:James Radomski
Co-I(s): Nancy Levenson, Rachel Mason, Grant Thompson


We propose to identify the location of the MIR emission from a pilot sample of unobscured AGN. We will distinguish the dusty material associated with the optically and geometrically thick torus of the unified AGN scheme, which arises on small (<10pc) scales, from the dust associated with the spectrally narrow optical emission lines, which extends over larger (100pc) scales. Indirect evidence for large-scale MIR emission arises in distant quasars, but ground-based observations of nearby Seyfert galaxies offer the best possibility of resolving the emission directly. Isolating the small-scale emission, we will test novel models of clumpy tori to determine the distribution of dusty material in detail.

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