Program: GS-2008A-Q-60

Title:Stars outside galaxies: a census of intergalactic HII regions in the tidal debris of mergers.
PI:Claudia Mendes de Oliveira
Co-I(s): Duilia de Mello, Ken C. Freeman, Ortwin Gerhard, Magda Arnaboldi, Sergio Torres-Flores


We propose to use GMOS to measure the velocities of the HII regions associated with two nearby peculiar galaxies at v = 2600 km/s. The systems to be observed, NGC 7135 and NGC 2865, contain HI tidal debris coincident with young stellar objects (identified from GALEX data) supposedly formed due to recent collisions. We plan to employ a new, but well tested, multi-slit imaging spectroscopy technique, successfully used with Subaru in the blind search for planetary nebulae in Coma. The main goal of this proposal is to make a complete census of star forming regions in these two systems, and to determine their properties. Finding widespread, young, star-forming regions coincident with the HI intergalactic clouds, will be strong evidence that galaxy-galaxy interaction, with consequent expulsion of HI to the IGM and creation of new objects is an efficient mechanism for producing and mixing metals in the intergalactic medium.