Program: GS-2008A-Q-55
Title: | A high spatial resolution study of the nearby, heavily obscured nuclei |
PI: | Patrick Roche |
Co-I(s): | Michael Colling, Rachel Mason |
We propose to continue our investigation of the dust properties of heavily obscured galaxy nuclei by making spatially-resolved spectroscopic observations of nuclei with deep silicate absorption features in the N-band. We will investigate the depths and profiles of the silicate absorption band and search for extended structures that arise from dust heated in the narrow line region and/or in cold dusty circumnuclear material. The nuclear emission from several of the bgalaxies has been resolved by Gemini, giving the opportunity to investigate the spatial dependence of different dust components and give clues to the properties of dust in the nuclei of AGN.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] A mid-infrared statistical investigation of clumpy torus model predictions
[ADS] Active Galactic Nucleus Ghosts: A Systematic Search for Faded Nuclei
[ADS] On the origin of X-ray oxygen emission lines in obscured AGN
[ADS] Nuclear Star Formation Activity and Black Hole Accretion in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies
[ADS] Circumnuclear Star Formation and AGN Activity: Clues from Surface Brightness Radial Profile of PAHs and [{\rm{S}}\,{\rm{IV}}]
[ADS] Nuclear obscuration in LINERs. Clues from Spitzer/IRS spectra on the Compton thickness and the existence of the dusty torus
[ADS] The Differences in the Torus Geometry between Hidden and Non-hidden Broad Line Active Galactic Nuclei
[ADS] The silicate absorption profile in the interstellar medium towards the heavily obscured nucleus of NGC 4418
[ADS] Evidence for the absorption of crystalline silicates at 11.1 μm in the spectra of the nucleus of the Circinus galaxy
[ADS] Dust in active galactic nuclei. Mid-infrared T-ReCS/Gemini spectra using the new RedCan pipeline
[ADS] The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active galactic nuclei - I. The N- and Q-band imaging atlas