Program: GS-2007A-Q-41
Title: | The dusty circumnuclear material around active galaxy nuclei |
PI: | Patrick Roche |
Co-I(s): | Michael Colling, Rachel Mason |
This is a companion proposal to one submitted for Gemini-N.
We propose to use Michelle, TReCs, NIRI and GNIRS to investigate the spatial extent of the dust and ionic line emission and the depths and profiles of dust absorption bands in a sample of nearby infrared-bright galaxies with heavily obscured nuclei. Initial observations obtained with TReCS and Michelle in 2004 have revealed variations in the dust emission and absorption optical depth on subarcsecond scales in Circinus, NGC 1068 and NGC 5506, while measurement of ionic emission lines ([SIV] and [NeII] ) reveal the relationship between the ionised gas and the dusty core. We now wish to extend this initial investigation to a larger sample of nearby galaxies to investigate the relationship between hydrocarbon and silicate grain absorption columns and the location of crystalline silicates in the most obscured objects.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] Circumnuclear Star Formation and AGN Activity: Clues from Surface Brightness Radial Profile of PAHs and [{\rm{S}}\,{\rm{IV}}]
[ADS] The spatial variation of the 3-μm dust features in Circinus
[ADS] Nuclear Star Formation Activity and Black Hole Accretion in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies
[ADS] The Differences in the Torus Geometry between Hidden and Non-hidden Broad Line Active Galactic Nuclei
[ADS] Dust in active galactic nuclei. Mid-infrared T-ReCS/Gemini spectra using the new RedCan pipeline
[ADS] Evidence for the absorption of crystalline silicates at 11.1 μm in the spectra of the nucleus of the Circinus galaxy