Program: GS-2007A-DD-3

Title:Constraining the MIR emssion of SagittariusA* within a coordinated multi-wavelength campaign
PI:Daniel Gezari
Co-I(s): Rainer Schoedel, Andreas Eckart, Koraljka Muzic, Sera Markoff, Mark Morris, Frederick Baganoff, Leo Meyer


Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way is the prototype of inefficiently accreting black holes. It is also a primary target for testing black hole physics/general relativity. Sgr A* displays strong and rapid variability, the so-called flares, in the (sub)mm, NIR, and X-ray wavebands. The mid-infrared (MIR) is a so far poorly explored wave band in the SED of Sgr A*, but recent results proove the feasibility of such observations. The MIR is very important to constrain theoretical models of the accretion/emission of Sgr A*. The models predict the MIR to be a highly dynamical wave band. An extensive, global millimeter-to-NIR observing campaign on Sgr A* will take place in May 2007. Here, we propose for MIR observations with T-ReCS/Gemini South in the framework of this campaign.