Program: GS-2006A-Q-53

Title:Molecular hydrogen in the extended emission-line nebula surrounding NGC 4696
PI:Nina Hatch
Co-I(s): Carolin Crawford, Roderick Johnstone, Andy Fabian


We aim to detect molecular hydrogen in the outer regions of the emission-line nebula surrounding NGC 4696, the dominant galaxy of the Centaurus cluster. Near-infrared spectroscopy will allow us to study the origin and excitation of the nebula, the rate at which X-ray gas is cooling to lower temperatures, and hence the efficiency of heating processes (such as the central radio source) that occur in the cluster core. Whilst numerous optical studies have been made, the excitation mechanism of the gas is still unknown -- analysis of molecular and atomic-to-molecular line ratios can probe the heating processes in a new way. We shall compare the distribution of the molecular gas to that of optical, radio and X-ray emitting gas using our deep H_alpha, radio and X-ray images of this region. Doing so will allow us to quantify the relationship between the emission-line nebula, central galaxy and the surrounding intracluster medium.