Program: GS-2006A-DD-6

Title:Tidal Dwarf Galaxy Candidates in a sample of Minor Mergers
PI:Claudia Winge
Co-I(s): Miriani Pastoriza, Angela Krabbe, Diego Ferreiro


We propose a spectroscopic study of Tidal Dwarf Galaxy (TDGs) candidates in minor merging systemsusing GMOS-S in long slit mode, as a backup poor weather programme (IQ=Any, CC=70). These TDG candidates were detected during a survey of HII regions in systems from the Arp-Madore catalogue as presenting Halpha luminosities and corresponding star formation rates much larger than those found in normal HII regions in spiral galaxies. In order to confirm if those regions are real TDGs or very luminous HII region complexes, we propose to measure (a) their oxygen abundance (TDGs are metal poor compared to the HII regions), (b) their internal kinematics (which should be decoupled from the velocity field of the parent galaxy). Combined with the photometric parameters already obtained from broad band and Halpha images (M_B, L(alpha), SFR) we may observationally confirm the possibility of formation of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies during the interaction of galaxies with different masses (minor mergers).

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