Randall Wayth, Matthew O'Dowd, Joachim Wambsganss, Janine Heinmueller, Robert Schmidt, Stuart Wyithe, Kathleen Labrie, Rodrigo Gil-Merino, Geraint Lewis, Nick Bate
We are developing a radically new method to image the geometry
of the continuum and broad emission line regions of gravitationally-lensed
quasars. Already we have new results from our only dataset, which provide
measurements of the size and relative location of the central quasar
emitting regions. The method is based on differential microlensing of
different-sized emitting regions for each of the macro-images in a
multiply-imaged quasar. Extensive numerical modelling determines a
statistical estimate of the geometric sizes of the BELRs of several lines
and the continuumsource. Combined with the line widths, we are then
able to measure the masses of the AGN BHs, and in particular,
the evolution of these masses with redshift.