Program: GS-2005B-Q-55

Title:Unveiling the End of the Childhood of Massive Spheroids in the Redshift Desert
PI:Nelson David Padilla
Co-I(s): Leopoldo Infante, Felipe Barrientos, Hitoshi Hanami, Tsuyoshi Ishigaki, Naofumi Fujishiro, Toshinobu Takagi


Using GMOS/Gemini South we intend to obtain spectra of massive star-forming galaxies in the redshift desert to unveil the missing link between massive elliptical galaxies in the present day and gas-enriched starbursts such as submm bright galaxies at z>3. The targeted galaxies are selected with the SED analysis from the SXDS/SIRIUS field sample which was obtained in multiband photometry (B,V,R,i',z',J,H, and K_s) with the Subaru/Suprime-Cam and UH2.2m/SIRIUS. The proposed GMOS observation explores the following key issues related to the features of young massive spheroids, 1) What is the metal enrichment in the ISM of the young spheroids with Star Formation Rate (SFR) ~100M_sun/yr at z ~1-2? 2) The star formation rate derived from the strong emitting nebula lines [OII]lambda3727 for the galaxies at z<1.6. 3) The confirmation and determination of redshifts for not only the massive star-forming galaxies as young spheroids, but also diverged types of galaxies at 0.8<z including Ly break galaxies at z =4.