Program: GS-2005B-Q-10
Title: | High spatial resolution mid-infrared observations of Local Universe Luminous Infrared Galaxies |
PI: | Chris Packham |
Co-I(s): | Almudena Alonso-Herrero, Luis Colina, James Radomski, Tanio Diaz-Santos |
Recent {\it Spitzer} cosmological surveys have demonstrated that the majority of IR-selected galaxies at $z<1$ are in the LIRG class
($L_{\rm IR}=L[8-1000\mu {\rm m}] = 10^{11}-10^{12}
L_\odot$) and that LIRGs make a significant contribution
to the IR galaxy population at $1<z<2$. We propose to obtain T-ReCS $N$-band broad-band imaging and low resolution $10\,\mu$m spectroscopy of a sample of four low-$z$ LIRGs. These galaxies are part of a complete volume ($v<5200\,$km s$^{-1}$) limited sample of LIRGs for which we have obtained {\it HST}/NICMOS images to identify star clusters and H\,{\sc ii} regions. The sample covers different morphologies and a range of IR luminosities. The combination of high spatial resolution ($\simeq 0.25\arcsec$) mid-IR imaging and spectroscopy uniquely afforded by 8\,m class telescopes, and NICMOS observations will allow us to peer for the first time into the dust-enshrouded nuclear regions of LIRGs with the appropriate
spatial resolution ($89-135\,$pc). Our goals are: (1) to identify heavily obscured AGN, not detected
in the optical and near-IR, (2) to establish the properties of the nuclear
starbursts as well as circumnuclear dusty H\,{\sc ii} regions, (3)
to investigate the nature of the dominant energy source (AGN vs stellar
emission), and (4) to produce local templates to be compared with the high-redshift bright-IR sources currently being observed by {\it Spitzer}.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] Infrared and X-Ray Evidence of an AGN in the NGC 3256 Southern Nucleus
[ADS] Evidence for the absorption of crystalline silicates at 11.1 μm in the spectra of the nucleus of the Circinus galaxy
[ADS] Nuclear obscuration in LINERs. Clues from Spitzer/IRS spectra on the Compton thickness and the existence of the dusty torus
[ADS] Circumnuclear Star Formation and AGN Activity: Clues from Surface Brightness Radial Profile of PAHs and [{\rm{S}}\,{\rm{IV}}]
[ADS] Nuclear Star Formation Activity and Black Hole Accretion in Nearby Seyfert Galaxies
[ADS] The subarcsecond mid-infrared view of local active galactic nuclei - I. The N- and Q-band imaging atlas
[ADS] A mid-infrared statistical investigation of clumpy torus model predictions
[ADS] High Spatial Resolution T-ReCS Mid-Infrared Imaging of Luminous Infrared Galaxies
[ADS] On the origin of X-ray oxygen emission lines in obscured AGN
[ADS] A High Spatial Resolution Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Nuclei and Star-Forming Regions in Luminous Infrared Galaxies
[ADS] Active Galactic Nucleus Ghosts: A Systematic Search for Faded Nuclei
[ADS] Understanding the 8 μm versus Paα Relationship on Subarcsecond Scales in Luminous Infrared Galaxies
[ADS] Dust in active galactic nuclei. Mid-infrared T-ReCS/Gemini spectra using the new RedCan pipeline
[ADS] The Differences in the Torus Geometry between Hidden and Non-hidden Broad Line Active Galactic Nuclei