Program: GS-2005A-C-9
Title: | IR Variability During a Shell Ejection of Eta Carinae |
PI: | Nathan Smith |
Co-I(s): | |
During 2003, $\eta$ Carinae experienced a dramatic ``spectroscopic
event'', when high-excitation lines in its UV, optical, and IR
spectrum disappeared, and its hard X-ray and radio continuum flux
crashed. This behavior is part of a 5.5 year cycle, the periodicity
has been attributed to a binary system, but the changes also resemble
a shell ejection. UV spectra obtained during the event with HST
suggest that {\it a shell ejection did indeed occur}, so we expect
dust to form, and mid-IR images and spectra with
T-ReCS are needed to measure the changing mass of dust and the current
bolometric luminosity. Now is a critical time to obtain unique
IR measurements of the ejecta as $\eta$ Carinae recovers from this
event and the shell expands, cools, and forms dust grains. This will
provide a direct estimate of the mass ejected. Near-IR emission lines trace related changes in the post-event wind, and can test specific models for the cause of $\eta$ Car's variability as it recovers from its recent ``event''.
High resolution near-IR spectra with GNIRS will continue the important
work of HST/STIS, investigating changes in the direct and reflected
spectrum of the stellar wind, and ionization and excitation changes in the
nebula. The complex kinematic structure of $\eta$ Car's ejecta
also holds important clues to its mass ejection history, and is essential for interpreting other data. Phoenix can provide a unique kinematic map of the complex density and ionization structure of $\eta$ Car's nebula, which is our best example of the pre-explosion environment of very massive stars.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] The Structure of the Homunculus. II. Modeling the Physical Conditions in η Carinae's Molecular Shell
[ADS] The Structure of the Homunculus. I. Shape and Latitude Dependence from H2 and [Fe II] Velocity Maps of η Carinae
[ADS] The Structure of the Homunculus. III. Forming a Disk and Bipolar Lobes in a Rotating Surface Explosion
[ADS] The Persistent Eruption of UGC 2773-OT: finally, a decade-long extragalactic Eta Carinae analogue
[ADS] A model for the 19th century eruption of Eta Carinae: CSM interaction like a scaled-down Type IIn Supernova