Program: GS-2004A-Q-8

Title:What are the short duration gamma ray bursts?
PI:Dr. Andrew S. Fruchter
Co-I(s): Nial Tanvir, Chryssa Kouveliotou, David Bersier, Elena Pian, Stephen Thorsett, David Burrows, Stefanie Wachter, Kailash Sahu, Javier Gorosabel, Jose Maria Castro Ceron, Andrew Levan, Martin Ward, James Rhoads, Ralph Wijers


All our recent progress in understanding GRBs applies to the ``long-duration'' (t>2s) class, for which long-lived afterglows have been found. The distinct, separate class of short-duration GRBs remains enigmatic because their afterglows, if they exist at all, are clearly much fainter. The forthcoming Swift satellite should provide a much higher rate of rapid, precise localisations of short bursts than hitherto. We propose to use Gemini Quick Response observations to conduct deep imaging searches for short-burst afterglows, with followup spectroscopy and photometry of any that are found. Finding even a single event could open up a new field of astrophysics.