Program: GN-2024A-Q-302

Title:LyAlpha nebulae around quasars: the imprint of AGN outflows on the CGM?
PI:Emanuele Paolo Farina
Co-I(s): Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia, Circosta Chiara, Claudia Cicone, Tiago Costa, Michele Ginolfi, Claire Greenwell, Thales Gutcke, Chris Harrison, Darshan Kakkad, Brian Lemaux, Vincenzo Mainieri, Julia Scharwaechter, Hyewon Suh, Giustina Vietri


The circumgalactic medium (CGM) encodes the results of many relevant processes in structure formation, including the feeding of pristine gas from the cosmic web and the outflows from the central supermassive black holes. There are observational hints of the impact that AGN-driven outflows may have on the kinematic and metallicity of the CGM and there are theoretical predictions on the key role played by these outflows to light-up gas in the CGM as an extended LyAlpha nebula. Here we propose to finally quantify this connection by exploiting the superb sensitivity offered by the new GNIRS LR-IFU. We target a representative sample of 12 quasars hosted by extended (>30kpc) LyAlpha nebulae to trace the presence and infer the properties of galaxy scales AGN-driven outflows at the so-called cosmic noon. The proposed spatially resolved observations will allow us to characterise such outflows (in terms of velocity of the ionised gas and mass outflow rate) placing us in an unique position to test models and establish quantitative links between the extension and velocity dispersion of the LyAlpha nebulae and the outflow process.