Program: GN-2024A-Q-139

Title:Late Circumstellar Interaction and Dust Production in JWST observed CCSNe
PI:Jennifer Andrews
Co-I(s): David Sand, Jeniveve Pearson, Azalee Bostroem, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Yize Dong, Stefano Valenti, Daryl Janzen, Mike Lundquist, Aravind Ravi, Manisha Shrestha, Nicolas Meza Retamal, Emily Hoang


We request 8.25 hours with Gemini N and S to obtain late time GMOS spectroscopy of a sample of five core collapse supernovae also being observed with JWST to assess their warm and cold dust content. The H-alpha and [O I] emission lines from the GMOS data can be fit with Monte Carlo radiative transfer codes to determine the amount and composition of the dust. The data will also yield constraints on the circumstellar medium (CSM) interaction at an epoch sensitive to low-level winds from the progenitor red supergiant (RSG), a regime that has not been systematically explored. Meanwhile, the proposed Gemini spectra in tandem with JWST observations will be crucial to disentangle whether any dust is newly created or from the pre-existing material around the star that exploded. The Gemini+JWST data set will provide a joint view of RSG winds, CSM interaction and the production of cosmic dust.

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