Program: GN-2023B-Q-201
Title: | Confirming the BH mass - Coronal line strength scaling relation in Type-1 AGNs |
PI: | Swayamtrupta Panda |
Co-I(s): | Alberto Rodriguez-Ardila, Juan Madrid, Carlos Donzelli |
Active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are among the most luminous sources in the Universe - their overall luminosity can be over 12-15 orders of magnitude more luminous than our Sun’s. Determination of the black hole masses in AGNs is a key aspect which allows to study the growth of central black holes in galaxies, one that helps to develop our understanding about galaxy evolution and AGN feedback. Prieto et al. (2022) studied the optical and near-infrared spectra for a sample of reverberation mapped AGNs - where the black hole mass was already estimated, and gauged them against the strength of four prominent CL emissions, [Si VI]/BrG being the best suited among them. Using GEMINI-GNIRS, we aim to verify the BH mass scaling relation with the strength of the CLs, particularly the [Si VI] emission, by compounding the existing sample with 11 new sources that allow us to nearly double the number of sources in the low black hole mass end and refine the scaling relation.