Program: GN-2022B-Q-230

Title:Revealing New Fermi Millisecond Pulsar Binaries with Optical Spectroscopy
PI:Samuel Swihart
Co-I(s): Teddy Cheung, Paul Ray


This proposal was awarded 12-hrs of observing time on Gemini-N split between 2022A and 2022B as part of the Fermi-NOAO Joint Proposal Opportunity in Fermi Cycle 14 (Fermi Proposal #: 141022). The first half of our target sample (7 targets) was submitted for the 22A semester. The final half of our target sample is presented here for 22B. The original (4-page) Fermi science proposal along with the Gemini-North Technical Details (1-page) is attached so the TAC can view the accepted proposal. ABSTRACT: Although recent follow-up of unassociated Fermi sources has been a boon for the discovery of new millisecond pulsars, it is clear that the census is far from complete, especially in the Northern sky. Here we request time on Gemini-N in order to perform a targeted spectroscopic survey of the likely optical counterparts to as-yet undiscovered redback millisecond pulsar binaries. This program presents a unique opportunity to add value to the Fermi mission by discovering and characterizing up to a dozen new Galactic gamma-ray emitting neutron star binaries through ground-based correlative observations, resulting in up to a 50% increase in the known population of redback millisecond pulsar binaries.