Program: GN-2022B-Q-112

Title:Spatially-resolved dynamics in the dusty star forming galaxies
PI:Paolo Turri
Co-I(s): Scott Chapman, Ian Smail, Jack Birkin, Shelley Wright


We propose NIFS IFU deep AO follow-up of 4 ALMA identifed submm-luminous galaxies from the KAOSS ESO large program. We will use the internal dynamics in Halpha/NII to understand the nebular ISM and probe the triggering mechanisms. Nearby guide stars (R<17 at 10-20" offset) allows AO-LGS mapping of bright Halpha/[NII] lines. These observations will allow us to probe merger versus disk by: 1) studying the distribution and kinematics of ionized gas through resolved Hα/[OIII] emission lines, 2) deriving metallicity gradients, and to 3) search for AGN and/or star formation driven outflows and measure their energetics. Note that alternate targets from the 18 SMG total AO sample may be chosen based on RA availability (one alternate included in target list.