Program: GN-2022A-Q-317

Title:The Young Supernova Experiment: Creating the Reference low-z Supernova Sample for Cosmology
PI:Alexander Gagliano
Co-I(s): Gautham Narayan, Ryan Foley, Jens Hjorth, David Jones, Kaisey Mandel, Armin Rest, Katie Auchettl, Suhail Dhawan, Christa Gall, Luca Izzo, Phil Macias, Radek Wojtak, Nikki Arendse, Cesar Rojas-Bravo, Matt Siebert, Stephen Thorp, Sam Ward, Andrew Engel, Lindsay DeMarchi


Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are one of the best probes to constrain the nature of dark energy. Recent surveys have observed such a large number of high-z SNe Ia that cosmological constraints are now limited by systematics and the relatively small number of low-z SNe. Our Young Supernova Experiment (YSE) is constructing an unbiased, high-fidelity low-z SN Ia sample in the Pan-STARRS1 natural system to improve SN cosmology constraints. This sample will (1) quadruple the number of cosmologically useful low-z SNe Ia, (2) be unique in its photometric calibration precision, and (3) be the largest low-z SN Ia sample observed with the same system as a high-z sample. Our program will yield the SN Ia sample that will anchor high-z supernovae from the Vera C. Rubin Observatory and will fulfill the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope low-z SN Ia requirement. Our homogeneous low-z sample will minimize the largest systematic error sources and with it, we will acquire a state-of-the-art constraint on the equation-of-state parameter of dark energy, w, to better than 3%. We propose to use Gemini/GMOS spectroscopy to characterize the cosmological sample and study the poorly constrained early-time evolution of SNe Ia, to understand their progenitors and explosion physics.