Program: GN-2022A-Q-308

Title:A pilot survey of low mass quiescent field galaxies at z ~ 0.15: measuring their chemical evolution and kinematics
PI:Cheng Cheng
Co-I(s): Christopher Willmer, Jia-Sheng Huang, Hong-Xin Zhang


The formation process of low mass red galaxies (M~10^9 Msun) in the field is still poorly known because very few of these objects have been identified by current redshift surveys. The current understanding of galaxy formation suggests that quenched low mass galaxies are mainly formed in dense environments such as groups or clusters. However, a recent study reveals a sample of about 10 low mass quiescent galaxies in the field, which contradicts this scenario. We are applying for 9.9h Gemini/GMOS time as a pilot survey to characterise the new sample of quiescent low-mass galaxies to obtain spectra using higher resolution and S/N spectra than the discovery data for two of these ten low mass quiescent galaxies in the ELAIS-N1 field, which are visible in 2022A. The high S/N spectra will be used to estimate the dynamical masses (from the velocity dispersion) and investigate the star formation and chemical enrichment history of these galaxies, revealing the evolutionary path of the low mass galaxy population.