Program: GN-2022A-FT-218

Title:Short-term monitoring of Euclid and Roman spectrophotometric white dwarf standards
PI:Phil Appleton
Co-I(s): Mischa Schirmer, Susana Deustua, Kerry Paterson, Blair Porterfield, James W. Colbert, Daniel Masters, Stefano Casertano, Marco Scodeggio, Jeffrey W. Kruk, Daniel Scolnic, Armus Lee, Ranga-Ram Chary, Harry I. Teplitz, Sangeeta Malhotra, Ralph C. Bohlin, Yannick Copin, Daniel K. Stern


The Euclid space telescope will survey 15000 square degrees of extragalactic sky. Using weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering as cosmological probes, Euclid will address fundamental questions about the accelerated expansion of the Universe, dark matter, and the validity of General Relativity on cosmological scales. A few years later, the Nancy Grace Roman space telescope will conduct - among others - a cosmological survey over 2000 square degrees to greater depth. The joint legacy value of both missions is tremendous. Their spectro-photometric flux calibration will be based on five White Dwarf standard stars. The aim of this proposal is to obtain fast time series photometry for all five stars to rule out short-term variability. These observations are fundamental to both Euclid and Roman.