Program: GN-2021B-Q-317

Title:Characterizing white dwarfs in benchmark binaries
PI:John Debes
Co-I(s): Sarah Casewell, Simon Blouin, Marc Kutchner, Jackie Faherty, Adam Schneider, Aaron Meisner, Austin Rothermich, Daniella Bardalez Gagliuffi


We will observe 8 high probability white dwarfs identified as likely part of wide binaries with a cool, brown dwarf companion. Only 5 such binaries are known to date, and so our results are a significant increase in the number of such binaries. In order to use the age of the white dwarf to draw conclusions about these new benchamark brown dwarfs we must first accurately model their atmospheres, determining if they are helium or hydrogen rich, and whether they are polluted by metals from a remnant planetary system.