Program: GN-2020A-Q-323

Title:Looking over the crash debris: revealing the mass profile of NGC 3610
PI:Bruno De Bortoli
Co-I(s): Lilia Patricia Bassino, Juan Pablo Caso, Ana Ennis


Our aim is to obtain spectroscopic observations of the bright elliptical galaxy NGC 3610, in order to determine its dynamics and derive ages and metallicities for the stellar population. NGC 3610 is a nearby merger remmant, located in a low density enviroment. Previous studies have revealed that the galaxy is plenty of fine estructure, with a complex structure in the inner regions and spectroscopically confirmed young globular clusters. From magnitudes and distances present in literature, the luminosity of NGC 3610 is M_V ~ -22. Despite several studies carried on the galaxy, it lacks of dynamical studies up to the galactocentric distances we are planning to achieve. The properties of NGC 3610 makes this galaxy an important test case for disentangling the relevance of merging episodes in the evolution and mass growth in bright ellipticals. The propose investigation will be part of the PhD thesis of Bruno De Bórtoli (PI).