Program: GN-2020A-DD-103

Title:Follow-up of New Horizons Extended Mission Targets
PI:Wes Fraser


After the spectacular flybys of Pluto and 2014 MU69, the New Horizons (NH) spacecraft is now in its Kuiper Belt Extended Mission phase (KEM). During KEM, NH is traversing the core of the Kuiper Belt acting as a portable telescope, acquiring photometric observations of nearby Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) from within the Kuiper Belt itself. This affords the unique geometry for high phase angle observations, which cannot be gathered by any other facility. While observations from other terrestrial or space based facilities can access phase angles (Obsever-Target-Sun angle) of alpha <~ 2 deg, NH can provide observations at right-angle geometries, with 70 deg <~ alpha <~ 120 deg. The goal of this proposal is to enable those observations with NH by providing astrometric follow-up of a few KEM targets so as to suciently refine each target’s orbit and ephemeris.

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