Program: GN-2019B-FT-215

Title:Understanding Primordial Disk (Mis)alignment of the 23 Myr V1298 Tau Multi-Transiting System
PI:Adina Feinstein
Co-I(s): Benjamin Montet, Marshall Johnson, Trevor David, Rodrigo Luger, Michael Gully-Santiago


Young (<100 Myr) planets are challenging to detect, due to increased stellar activity. However, these systems are crucial to our understanding of interactions of stars in their birth clusters and processes that might affect the orientations of disks relative to the spins of their stars. We propose to understand the spin-orbit alignment of V1298 Tau by measuring the Rossiter-McLaughlin signal of the two innermost planets c and d. We request 7 hours of observations with the GRACES spectrograph on January 21, 2020, when planets c and d are transiting simultaneously to measure RVs both before, during, and after the event. The observations taken before and after will provide information on the distribution of spots and allow us to model the underlying activity using the open-source package STARRY. Additionally, we will complete a Doppler tomographic analysis of the data and check for transit timing variations, which, given the activity of the star, may prove the best means to measure masses of these planets. Together, all of these analysis will paint the most complete picture of the youngest transiting multi-planet system to date.

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