Program: GN-2018B-Q-138

Title:Probing the effect of AGN feedback on multiple gas phases in the Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS)
PI:Julia Scharwaechter
Co-I(s): Grant Tremblay, Justus Neumann, Monica Valencia-Schneider, Rebecca McElroy, Meredith Powell, Tanya Urrutia, Andreas Eckart, Gerold Busch, Christopher O'Dea, Mirko Krumpe, Stefi Baum, Francoise Combes, Bernd Husemann, Scott Croom, Dimitri Gadotti, Miguel Perez-Torres, Timothy Davis


AGN feedback as a mechanism to quench star formation has become a standard component in galaxy evolution models. But observational evidence for the link between AGN feedback and star formation and for the effect of AGN-driven outflows on the multi-phase interstellar medium (ISM) remains elusive. In part, this is due to the vast range of spatial and time scales involved as well as due to a dependence on AGN luminosity. By targeting 39 type-1 AGN at 0.01<z<0.06, the Close AGN Reference Survey (CARS) has been designed for a multi-scale, multi-wavelength study of the most luminous nearby AGN. Starting from the core MUSE (VLT) optical integral field spectroscopic data set, CARS has become a multi-wavelength survey including ALMA, VLA, Chandra and SOFIA data. We propose NIFS integral field spectroscopy of B-semester CARS targets already observed with ALMA in order to (i) complement CARS with near-infrared (NIR) diagnostics (less susceptible to dust extinction), (ii) probe smaller spatial scales than accessed with the MUSE data, and (iii) broaden the multi-phase nature of CARS by adding a hot molecular gas tracer (NIR molecular hydrogen lines) to the existing data on the ionized (MUSE) and cold molecular (ALMA) gas phases. The proposed 2018B NIFS data will be an essential part of this unique multi-wavelength data set and will lay the foundation for an extended NIFS follow-up of CARS sources in future semesters.

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