Program: GN-2018A-Q-231

Title:Investigating the ionized phase gas in radio loud AGNs presenting HI gas outflows
PI:Guilherme Couto
Co-I(s): Allan Schnorr-Muller, Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann, Raffaella Morganti, Daniel Ruschel-Dutra, Roderik Overzier, Francesco Santoro


We propose GMOS-IFU observations of three powerful radio galaxies 2MASX J13013264+4634032, 4C +49.25 and 4C +52.37. The profiles of the HI gas of these galaxies, observed in absorption against the radio continuum, show blueshifted wings indicative of atomic gas outflows that are likely driven by the interaction between the radio source and the surrounding medium. Our aim is to trace the ionized gas counterpart of these outflows and quantify the efficiency of the AGN feedback. The requested observations will allow us to characterize the kinematics of the ionized gas and also its properties (e.g. density, temperature and ionization state) via line ratio diagnostics. The powerful compact radio jets may be currently clearing their path through the ISM, and the gas kinematics and excitation obtained from GMOS-IFU data willl allow us to spatially resolve the outflows and analyse how it relates with the radio jets. With this proposal, we aim to better understand the very initial phases of the AGN feedback, where the radio jets are still compact, and maybe presenting even stronger jet-gas interactions than larger scale outflows.