Program: GN-2017B-Q-53

Title:The first revealing the FeII/MgII-luminosity relation of high redshift QSOs
PI:Jaejin Shin
Co-I(s): Tohru Nagao, Jong-Hak Woo


Investigating the metallicity of QSOs and its redshift evolution is highly important for constraining the main formation epoch of QSO host galaxies. To understand the metallicity evolution, we investigated FeII/MgII ratio, that is a well-known ``cosmological clock'', of high redshift and low luminous QSOs. We detected low FeII/MgII ratio from the low-luminosity QSOs compared to high-luminosity QSOs (Maiolino et al. 2003) suggesting that low-luminosity QSOs are the candidate of chemically young QSOs. Unfortunately, the low quality data with very low resolution (R~75) for high-luminosity QSOs in previous work prevent us to clearly confirm that the low-luminosity QSOs have really low metallicity. Thus, we propose to investigate the FeII/MgII ratio as a function of luminosity to confirm whether low-luminosity QSOs are really chemically young QSOs.

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