Program: GN-2017B-Q-49
Title: | The Mission Accessible Near-Earth Object Survey (North) |
PI: | Nicholas Moskovitz |
Co-I(s): | Francesca DeMeo, Audrey Thirouin, Brian Skiff, Brian Burt, Mark Willman, Richard Binzel, Cristina Thomas, David Trilling, Eric Christensen, Michael Mommert, David Polishook |
The Mission Accessible Near-Earth Object Survey or MANOS began in 2013 as a physical characterization survey of newly discovered, sub-km, spacecraft-accessible NEOs. With ~100 new NEOs discovered monthly these criteria help to identify only the most interesting objects for follow-up study. Our approach is to build a comprehensive data set of astrometry, photometry and spectroscopy through queue, remote and target of opportunity observations. We propose here a second generation MANOS that will continue this important work while building upon the experience and success of the initial survey. Over the next three years this NASA-funded survey will grow our sample of NEO physical properties to ~1000 objects, enabling a wide range of investigations including an unprecedented look into the diversity of NEO physical properties, deeper insight into the compositional distribution of NEOs, a better understanding of the role of planetary encounters in modifying NEO properties, probing compositional links between small NEOs and meteorites, and further development of a telescopic network for reacting to time critical observations such as the discovery of an impacting asteroid.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] Visible Spectroscopy from the Mission Accessible Near-Earth Object Survey (MANOS): Taxonomic Dependence on Asteroid Size