Program: GN-2016B-Q-84

Title:NIR spectroscopy of strong line emitting SNRs in M33
PI:Ho-Gyu Lee
Co-I(s): Bon-Chul Koo, Jae-Joon Lee, Narae Hwang, Byeong-Gon Park


We propose to perform NIR spectroscopic observations of six strong line emitting SNRs in M33 as a major part of our program : NIR spectroscopy of strong line emitting SNRs in nearby galaxies. The target SNRs are selected by our UKIRT NIR [Fe II] and H2 narrow band imaging survey of nearby galaxies including M33. For the SNRs we detect shock sensitive bright [Fe II] emission. Interestingly, we also detect H2 emission for two SNRs, suggesting that they are interacting with molecular cloud and significantly impact their surrounding environments. Our interests are (1) to confirm the origin of narrow band emissions, (2) to estimate basic physical parameters such as densities and temperatures using hyperfine lines, (3) to obtain kinematics of the gases, and (4) to understand SNR interaction with surrounding medium especially focused on the comparison with the cases in Milky Way.