Program: GN-2016B-Q-30
Title: | AGNs with powerful outflows: positive or negative feedback? (North) |
PI: | Jong-Hak Woo |
Co-I(s): | Marios Karouzos, Hyun-Jin Bae |
Gas outflows are one of the best tracers of AGN feedback in action. We propose integral field spectroscopy observtations to investigate the kinematics of the narrow-line region and ISM in the host galaxies. We select a lumininosity-limited sample of 29 AGNs with extreme ionized gas velocities (i.e., the [OIII] velocity shift > 250 km/s or [OIII] velocity dispersion (FWHM) > 1000 km/s, which is drvien from a large number of ~23,000 SDSS type 2 AGNs at z < 0.1. Thus, these rare AGNs with strong outflow signatures are one of the best suites for investigating AGN feedback. Based on the initial sample of 6 AGNs observed in 2015A, we find a ring-like structure of starforming region at the edge of the outflows, which may indicate the combination of negative and positve feedback. We request GMOS-IFU time for 7 additional AGNs in 2016B. Using the enlarged sample, we will investigate whether the ring stucture is a general feature of AGNs in order to constrain the nature of AGN feedback. By measuring the distributions of flux, velocity, and velocity dispersion of emission lines and probing star formation and population over a few kpc scales, we will investiage the role of outflows and their impact on the ISM.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] Unraveling the Complex Structure of AGN-driven Outflows. VI. Strong Ionized Outflows in Type 1 AGNs and the Outflow Size-Luminosity Relation