Program: GN-2016A-Q-34
Title: | Linking Io's Volcanic Activity to Plasma Torus Variability |
PI: | Katherine de Kleer |
Co-I(s): | Imke de Pater |
Jupiter's dynamic and volcanically-active moon Io resides in a complex and time-variable system of neutral and ionized particles, which are sourced by volcanic by-products from Io. This spring, the ISAS/JAXA SPRINT-A/EXCEED mission will observe EUV emission from ionized S and O in the Jovian system in preparation for the arrival of Juno, providing a truly unique opportunity to study the connection between volcanic activity on Io and variability in the Jupiter plasma torus. Determining the mechanisms and timescales involved in transporting material from Io to the neutral cloud and then plasma torus is the first step to understanding the planetary "tails" recently discovered trailing exoplanets in the Kepler dataset. We propose to observe Io with ALTAIR/NIRI at 2.3 and 3.8 microns for 25 minutes, on as many nights as possible during the semester. We will analyze our results in conjunction with the results from the EXCEED mission, in order to assess correlations between the temporal variability of Io's volcanic activity and the plasma torus. These observations will also give us the spatial distribution of volcanic eruptions on Io during the semester, which can be compared with previous years and provides an important constraint on tidal heat dissipation models.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] An attempt to detect transient changes in Io's SO2 and NaCl atmosphere
[ADS] Io’s Volcanic Activity from Time Domain Adaptive Optics Observations: 2013–2018
[ADS] Io's Loki Patera: Modeling of three brightening events in 2013-2016
[ADS] Three decades of Loki Patera observations
[ADS] Variability in Io's Volcanism on Timescales of Periodic Orbital Changes