Program: GN-2016A-Q-28

Title:Time delays for the sextuply-lensed quasar SDSS J2222+2745 from GMOS
PI:Michael Gladders


We propose repeated imaging observations of strongly-lensed quasar that is sextuply-imaged by a galaxy cluster. This is a continuation of a Gemini+GMOS program begun in May 2015 to measure the time delays for the 3 fainter images of this unique system. These planned data complement already-measured and now published time delays for the three brighter images, multi-band HST imaging data in hand, and Chandra data planned for January 2016 targeting this remarkable strong-lensing system, and will enable a suite of scientific applications, from studies of the quasar host galaxy, absorption studies along multiple sight lines in the quasar spectra of another intervening lensed galaxy at lower redshift, to measurments of the black hole mass in several cluster galaxies in the intervening lens.