Program: GN-2015B-LP-5

Title:Validating K2’s Habitable and Rocky Planets with AO Imaging
PI:Ian Crossfield
Co-I(s): Charles Beichman, Steve Howell, Erik Petigura, David Ciardi, Joshua Schlieder, Justin Crepp, Evan Sinukoff, Andrew Howard


K2, the repurposed Kepler mission, offers a golden opportunity to find a wide diversity of new planetary systems orbiting bright stars. We are executing a large-scale collaboration using K2, the updated Kepler mission, to find these new systems around all stellar types in the K2 fields. We anticipate finding dozens of potential targets suitable for atmospheric studies with HST and JWST, and many more for which RV spectrosopy will further elucidate the low-mass planetary mass-radius relation. Over the next two years, we request four nights per semester to eliminate false positives and continue validating our K2 planetary systems using GNIRS AO imaging and our DSSI Speckle Camera. Eventually, our program will measure the occurrence rates of planets across the sky, optimize target selection strategies for TESS, and find exciting new targets for early-science JWST atmospheric characterization.

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