Program: GN-2015B-FT-11
Title: | Very High Excitation H2 lines in the Orion Molecular Flow |
PI: | Tom Geballe |
Co-I(s): | Michael Burton |
We request a small amount of FT time to obtain a high S/N spectrum of H2 lines in Orion, using GNIRS with its long slit extending from H2 Peak 1 through one of the more prominent Orion H2 bullets. We seek to detect or obtain significant upper limits on many of the weak, extremely high excitation H2 lines which we have recently discovered in our spectra of the Herbig-Haro 7 bow shock. These lines, from very hot H2, may be the signature of H2 which reformed on dust grains following dissociation by the HH7 shock. The Orion observations will simultaneously sample a wide range of shock environments and thus will test the uniqueness and source-to-source variability of the newly discovered hot H2 compnent.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] Very High Excitation Lines of H2 in the Orion Molecular Cloud Outflow