Program: GN-2015A-Q-203

Title:A Search for Chemically Young QSOs in High-z Universe
PI:Jaejin Shin
Co-I(s): Jong-Hak Woo, Tohru Nagao


Investigating metallicity of QSOs and its redshift evolution is highly important for constraining the main formation epoch of QSO host galaxies, and accordingly probing the origin of the galaxy-SMBH coevolution. Recent observations suggest no clear evidence of the metallicity evolution of QSOs even up to z~6, which is apparently in contradiction to the significant metallicity evolution of massive star-forming galaxies at z~3. One possible scenario to reconcile this apparent contradiction is as following: since we see only exceptionally luminous QSOs at each cosmological epoch due to selection effects, the previous high-z studies were biased to already metal-enriched, "matured" QSOs. Thanks to the SDSS DR9, we have constructed a new sample of high-z QSOs with relatively low luminosity in order to overcome this luminosity bias. We propose to investigate their FeII/MgII flux ratio, that is a well-known "cosmological clock" for the chemical evolution of galaxies. The unique combination of our new QSO sample, the powerful photon-collecting power of the Gemini telescope, and a wide wavelength coverage of GNIRS enables us to identify the chemically young QSOs.

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