Program: GN-2014B-Q-35

Title:Studying the origins of misaligned molecular outflows towards a massive YSO: a jet precession case?
PI:Sergio Paron
Co-I(s): Cecilia FariƱa, Martin Ortega


Recently, from submillimeter observations we discovered massive molecular outflows towards the red MSX source G034.5964-01.0292 (MSXG34), a massive YSO located at the distance of 1.1 kpc. The molecular outflows are highly misaligned forming a C-shape structure and the near-IR emission, obtained from a public database, shows a cone-like shape nebulosity composed by two arc-like features, which suggest a jet precession scenario. Using NIRI at Gemini-North, we propose to observe the [FeII], H2 1-0 S(1), H2 2-1 S(1), and CO 2-0 (bh) lines, and additionally, the broad bands J, H, and Ks, and the H- and K-continuum filters in order to have a complete and useful near-IR imaging of the MSXG34 circumstellar ambient. Taking into account that this source is not too far, which it is not usual in massive YSOs, it is an excellent opportunity to study the mechanisms that produce the molecular outflows. This is not only important for the study of this particular object but also to advance in the knowledge of the earliest processes involved in star formation. The total required time (including overheads) is about 4.2 hr.

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