Spatial segregation of galaxy populations in the SSA22 z=3.1 proto-cluster
Akio Inoue
H. Umehata, K. Kohno, K. Nakanishi, T. Hayashino, T. Ichikawa, I. Iwata, Y. Uchimoto, Y. Matsuda, Y. Tamura, T. Tanaka
There is a massive proto-cluster at $z=3.1$ traced by Ly$\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) in the SSA22 field. In the same field, we have found 73 Lyman continuum emitters (LCEs) and 95 sub-mm galaxies (SMGs) by our previous observations. The LCEs are LAEs emitting strong Lyman continuum ($\lambda_{\rm rest}<912$ \AA). We find that the LCEs are distributed on the periphery or in the outside of the LAE proto-cluster, and indeed, the LCE--LAE angular cross-correlation shows no correlation between them. On the other hand, bright SMGs reside in the proto-cluster and the bright SMG--LAE angular cross-correlation shows their good correlation. This spatial segregation of the two different populations of galaxies is very interesting and is a new clue to understand the physical mechanism of the escape of the Lyman continuum and environmental effects of clusters of galaxies on formation and evolution of galaxies. However, a limited number of LCEs and no SMGs have spectroscopic redshifts obtained so far. Therefore, we propose a redshift survey of the LCEs and SMGs with Gemini/GMOS-N in order to measure redshifts of these galaxies and to establish the spatial segregation of the galaxy populations in the proto-cluster.