Program: GN-2012A-Q-20
Title: | Observing shocked gas towards the Young Stellar Object EGO G45.47+0.05 |
PI: | Sergio Paron |
Co-I(s): | Martin Ortega, Gloria Dubner |
We propose to use NIRI with LGS + Altair on Gemini North to obtain high angular resolution images of the young stellar object (YSO) EGO G45.47+0.05 to study its jets and the outflowing activity. We propose to observe, using the NIRI f/32 camera, in the narrow-band filters centered on the H2 1-0 S(1) 2.12 micron and the [FeII] 1.64 micron lines and in the broad-bands H (1.65 micron) and K (2.20 micron) to obtain information about the jet structure, the shocked gas and the continuum emission.
EGO G45.47+0.05 is catalogued as an "extended green object" and is located at the border of an extended HII region, close to a complex of UCHII regions. The whole region has a rich stellar formation activity. Molecular observations obtained very recently with the ASTE telescope confirm the presence of energetics outflows. Thus, EGO G45.47+0.05 is an excellent target to study the star forming processes and the influence of the jets on the surroundings. To perform that, it is required high angular resolutions, being NIRI + Altair the most appropriate instruments in the near infrared bands.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] Unveiling the circumstellar environment toward a massive young stellar object