Planck SZ Clusters: Follow-up of the Planck Galaxy Cluster Catalog
James G Bartlett
Francine Marleau, Adam Stanford, Ranga-Ram Chary, Simona Mei, Charles Lawrence
We seek to measure velocity dispersions and estimate masses for a sample of the Planck Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) galaxy clusters. This will allow us to calibrate the all-important SZ-mass relation crucial to cosmological applications of SZ cluster counts to constrain dark energy. Our sample is notably rich in massive systems, the most sensitive probes of the expansion rate and dark energy. Submitted on behalf of the PLANCK working group on
clusters and secondary anisotropies, our program is part of a large follow-up effort underway on the Planck Cluster Catalog.
Publications using this program's data
[data][ADS] Planck intermediate results. IV. The XMM-Newton validation programme for new Planck galaxy clusters
[data][ADS] Spectroscopic Confirmation and Velocity Dispersions for 20 Planck Galaxy Clusters at 0.16 < z < 0.78
[data][ADS] Calibrating the Planck Cluster Mass Scale with Cluster Velocity Dispersions
[data][ADS] UPCluster-SZ: The Updated Catalog of Galaxy Clusters from the List of Planck Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Sources