Program: GN-2011B-Q-109
Title: | Testing the standard cosmology with Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) |
PI: | Oleg Titov |
Co-I(s): | David Jauncey, Richard Hunstead, Helen Johnston, Alexandra Boldycheva |
More than 1000 radio quasars are observed regularly by the International VLBI
Service, IVS, to define and maintain the International Celestial
Reference Frame, ICRF. Using these data we have presented evidence for large scale
proper motions. While the dipole effect is consistent with
theoretical prediction, the quadrupole effect, at a level in excess
of 10 muas/year, may present a serious challenge to the standard
cosmologies. More VLBI observations for the high redshift radio sources are required to
improve accuracy of the quadrupole effect estimates. The new SDSS release provides
a rare opportunity to achieve that using the five colour photometry data.
Combining the red excess objects from the SDSS and the flat spectrum radio sources observed
by geodetic VLBI, we preselected 23 targets to measure their redshift with GMOS
on the Gemini North telescope. These objects are spread uniformly in the right
ascensions and all have unique optical identifications based on precise
radio-optical position coincidence.
A dedicated 5-year VLBI program for astrometry of these potential high redshift quasars will be
launched during 2011.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] Optical Spectra of Candidate International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) Flat-spectrum Radio Sources