Program: GN-2011A-Q-82
Title: | The Host Galaxies of Local PTF Type Ia Supernovae |
PI: | Mark Sullivan |
Co-I(s): | D. Andrew Howell, Peter Nugent, Isobel Hook, Sarah Blake, Kate Maguire, Yen-Chen Pan |
The discovery of correlations between Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) peak luminosity and the parameters defining their host galaxy stellar populations has important implications for their use as standardised candles. Using new samples of low-redshift SNe Ia located with the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF), a rolling transient search in the local universe, we propose to continue our comprehensive campaign to study in detail the host galaxies in which SNe Ia explode. We aim to establish which physical variable (metallicity or age) primarily drives the SN Ia luminosity variations using high signal-to-noise spectroscopy of their environments. These data will also improve the derivation of SN Ia "delay-time" distributions, and place tighter constraints on the nature of their progenitor systems. Evolution in SN Ia properties is now the largest single systematic in SN Ia cosmology, with host galaxies playing a critical role in cosmological studies, and detailed study of their environments provides a realistic opportunity to improve their use for studying dark energy.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] High-velocity Type Ia Supernova Has a Unique Host Environment
[ADS] The host galaxies of Type Ia supernovae discovered by the Palomar Transient Factory
[ADS] Type Ia supernova spectral features in the context of their host galaxy properties