The High Mass End of the Black Hole Mass - Stellar Velocity Dispersion Relation in AGNs
Bradley Peterson
Catherine Grier, Misty Bentz, Kalliopi Dasyra, Laura Ferrarese, Paul Martini, Richard Pogge, Linda Tacconi, Linda Watson
In 2006, we started a program with Gemini/NIFS to obtain stellar velocity dispersions for all high redshift (z > 0.06) AGNs with secure reverberation-mapping measurements of the BH mass. Our program has been very successful: the two galaxies for which data are already in hand (four are in the queue for 2010A but have yet to be observed) have produced interesting results that have been published. In particular, in addition to showing peculiarities in the circumnuclear stellar population, the galaxy with the most massive black hole appears to lie significantly above the extrapolation of the M-sigma relation defined by less massive systems. The present request of 8.89 hours will complete the program by targeting the two remaining reverberation-mapped AGNs for which these studies are feasible.
Publications using this program's data
[data][ADS] Recalibration of the M BH-σ ⋆ Relation for AGN
[data][ADS] Stellar Velocity Dispersion Measurements in High-luminosity Quasar Hosts and Implications for the AGN Black Hole Mass Scale