Program: GN-2010A-Q-10

Title:HH 24: Multiple Jets from a Multiple System
PI:Bo Reipurth


The HH 24 complex consists of a cluster of ?ve collimated Herbig-Haro ?ows emanating from a compact multiple system of young low-mass stars. We propose to perform a detailed study of this unique ob ject, by determining the presence of close companions to the driving sources with AO imaging, by searching for loosely bound distant stellar components, and by obtaining spectra of all stellar components. Furthermore, we will study the jet complex itself by obtaining second-epoch optical interference ?lter images for proper motion determinations, and simultaneous infrared H2 and [FeI I] images for a study of physical conditions within the jets. We seek to trace the fossil record of events in the multiple system that has led to the current con?guration of young stars and the current highly disturbed state of the driving sources.

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