Program: GN-2010A-C-3
Title: | Metallicities and kinematics of Lyman-alpha Galaxies at z=3.1 |
PI: | Mark Richardson |
Co-I(s): | Emily McLinden, Sangeeta Malhotra, James Rhoads |
We propose to measure the metallicities of z=3.1 \lya\ emitting
galaxies. \lya\ emitters are the youngest class of high redshift
galaxies, with typical ages of only $10^7$ years and stellar masses
of $10^7 - 10^9 \msun$, even though their spatial clustering
indicates halo masses of $10^{11} \msun$. By measuring the [OII],
[OIII], and H$\beta$ line fluxes with NIRI, we will estimate
metallicities for these galaxies for the first time ever. By doing
so, we will {\bf(a)} supply one of the missing pieces in understanding
\lya\ galaxies, whose stellar populations, masses of halos and ages
have been constrained {\bf (b)} pin down the low-mass end of the
mass-metallicity relation at z=3, and {\bf (c)} differentiate the
kinematics of the resonantly scattered \lya\ line from other nebular
lines, e.g. [OII] and [OIII]. This will allow us to {\bf (d)} distinguish
scenarios where the \lya\ escape is due to special kinematics from
those where the galaxies are relatively dust-free. {\bf (e)} We will
cross-calibrate the star-formation rates derived from various
emission lines. Finally, {\bf (f)} we will determine the velocity offset
between the resonantly scattered \lya\ line and other lines. This
is a critical parameter in determining how much of the blue wing of
the \lya\ line is absorbed by intergalactic gas. By establishing
this quantity directly, we will lay a firm foundation for tests of
reionization based on \lya\ galaxy statistics at $z > 6$.
Publications using this program's data
[ADS] The Dynamical Masses, Densities, and Star Formation Scaling Relations of Lyα Galaxies