Program: GN-2009B-Q-59

Title:Accretion and Outflow from Young Stellar Disks
PI:Peter McGregor
Co-I(s): Tracy Beck, Raquel Salmeron, Geoffrey Bicknell


We aim to monitor T Tauri star disk emission features and outflow morphologies to determine how various disk emission features vary with accretion rate, and how and when the outflow responds to major accretion events. Young stars are surrounded by circumstellar disks through which they accrete mass. Magneto-centrifugal disk winds remove angular momentum from the inner region and so allow accretion to proceed. These winds are magnetically collimated to form stellar jets. We will determine how the disk chromosphere spectrum changes with accretion rate, whether new clumps ejected in the outflow result from major accretion events, and we will constrain our magnetohydrodynamic disk models that track the detailed physics of magnetic heating and the launching of a disk wind.

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