Program: GN-2009B-Q-26

Title:Massive Outflows in Luminous Quasars and Radio Galaxies
PI:Alan Stockton
Co-I(s): Hsin-Yi Shih, Hai Fu


We propose to continue our program investigate large-scale mass ejection from FR I I radio sources, which plausibly could be an important component in the evolution of galaxies with masses of M? and above. Our main focus for this semester is to continue our search for extended emission-line regions (EELRs) around a carefully selected sample of low-redshift (0.2 ? z ? 0.4) steep-spectrum radio galaxies. If uni?cation arguments are correct, we should ?nd EELRs around roughly half of the radio galaxies that show strong narrow-line regions. These will allow investigations of the host galaxies that would be impossible for the corresponding quasar sample, such investigations can be critical for understanding the origin and nature of the out?ows that produce EELRs. We request 6 hours of GMOS IFU time to carry out spectral imaging of 3 of the top candidates identi?ed from an extensive spectroscopic search with Keck I LRIS. We have a backup program on 3C 79 for the GMOS time if the LRIS night should be weathered out. These observations support current NSF and Spitzer (Cycle 4) research programs.